James Flanagan runs intermediate group coaching on Saturday mornings for members between 9am and 1pm.
Laurence Garton Adams runs beginner and improver level group coaching. Tennis Xpress is on Tuesdays 7pm to 8pm, and improvers is on Wednesdays from 7pm to 8pm.
Laurence Garton Adams runs junior coaching for 4 – 18 year old’s after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during term time. Junior coaching is open to members and non members. Holiday camps also take place during the school holidays.
Mini tennis is a great introduction to sport for young children between 4 and 10 years old. It's just like the real thing, but with smaller courts, nets and rackets and lower bouncing balls. There are three levels of mini tennis: Red, Orange and Green, each with their own court size and type of ball. This tailored approach, based on age and physical maturity enables players to develop vital skills and techniques at an early age. From age 11, players move onto playing with standard yellow balls on a full size court.
Each lesson is 55 minutes starting at the follow times:
4pm - Red and Orange ball
5pm - Green and younger Yellow ball
6pm - Yellow ball
4pm - Red and Orange ball
5pm - Green and younger Yellow ball
6pm - Yellow ball
Red ball - Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3
Orange ball - Year 4
Green ball - Year 5
Yellow ball - Year 6 and above
Junior coaching fees are £5 per hour for members and £6 an hour for non members.
Private 1:1 coaching
Both James and Laurence are available for private individual / small group or family coaching.
If you would like any further details about coaching, or to register your interest, please email
James Flanagan LTA Level 3
Adult intermediates
Laurence Garton Adams LTA Level 2
Juniors, adult beginners and improvers