Court redevelopment project

As members will know, the club has been trying for several years to raise funding for a much needed redevelopment of our facilities … specifically to rebuild our cracked and unstable courts and renew the very old, insecure perimeter fencing. The committee is now delighted to tell members that we have at last secured full funding to proceed with the project this year. 

The Plan 

Both existing courts will be replaced with a new porous macadam surface. The committee considered alternative surfaces such as Artificial Clay (ARC) and Artificial Grass (Astroturf). These options were rejected because they are more expensive to build, have a shorter expected life span, and require considerably more, often daily maintenance than is practical for a small unmanned club to do. 

The existing chain link perimeter fencing will be completely replaced with 3 metre high, MUGA standard, Duo8 green mesh fencing … just like the fence surrounding the small all-purpose games court immediately adjacent to the club. 

In addition, a new drainage system will be installed in the north east corner of the club where rainwater and debris flow down the slope onto the near court. This should greatly reduce dirt ingress and court cleaning requirements, and minimise the risk of slipperiness developing. 

The Cost 

The total cost is budgeted at approximately £60,000. The club has received quotes from 3 industry association approved contractors (SAPCA) two of which were within our budget. One contractor has now been selected and approved by the committee. 


The project will be funded in equal contributions from 3 sources … the Club, Oxted Parish Council and Tandridge District Council. 

As advised at the Club AGM in March, the club had already earmarked £20,000 from existing funds for the proposed project. And as noted in a recent email to members, the club has been offered a contribution of £20,000 from Oxted Parish Council. Since then Tandridge District Council has also offered a £20,000 contribution towards the project cost. Thus we now have the full amount of £60,000 needed. 


Members will appreciate that the work proposed is quite extensive and will take 6-8 weeks to complete. It is also heavily dependent on good weather. The initial work to lay the surface will take 2-3 weeks but once this is done the new surface has to “cure” and harden for about 3 weeks before any play is possible, or court painting can be properly done. 

The ideal time therefore is to progress the work in the summer when weather conditions offer the maximum opportunity to complete the work in the shortest time. If the project were not to start until the Autumn, this would take somewhat longer and painting could not be done until the following Spring or Summer, which would also incur additional costs. 

The project is therefore currently planned to start in June, as soon as the new “made to order” fencing is ready.  The committee appreciates that this will disrupt play during the summer months, and that will be disappointing to many of us, but it will allow work to be completed within budget in the shortest timeframe. 

We are excited about the project and we are confident members will enjoy the results for many years to come.  We will be in touch again when we have more details to share about the start date. 

HGTC Committee, 26.3.22