Personal Experiences

Personal Experiences

According to How Stuff Works:

"High concentrations of cannabinoid receptors exist in the hippocampus, cerebellum and basal ganglia. The hippocampus is located within the temporal lobe and is important for short-term memory. When the THC binds with the cannabinoid receptors inside the hippocampus, it interferes with the recollection of recent events. THC also affects coordination, which is controlled by the cerebellum. The basal ganglia controls unconscious muscle movements, which is another reason why motor coordination is impaired when under the influence of marijuana."

In other words we are forced into the here and now, and must concentrate on our own thoughts and actions - no wonder they made it illegal.

Three times in the last three days I have come to my wits end as to how to relieve the pain.

Three times I have lit a fresh new doobie, and three times the pain has disappeared completely if I don't move much.

My analysis tells me that this is no lower back pain that the doctor could ever define.

It is almost certainly psychosomatic.

I relate closely to my body, and as closely as I am able to the earth's body, and what I am feeling is really the earth's trauma as we climb up the last few steps to reach 21/12/2012. before we start on the easier down slope, and just slide into the routine of going with the flow.

Through the pain I have received many messages, and some seem rather garbled, but overall the main message is 'do nothing'.

I haven't run for a few months, and have been unable to do yoga for eleven days now, yet my body apart from the back pain is in wonderful working order.

My breathing is steady, my appetite is good, and my mood generally excellent, though I am working on a few snide remarks I have made, and keep making. I know the pain will soon disappear, and is best achieved without exacerbation, so no exercise. I am a patient, and my own nurse.