• Homebuying: low down payments, FHA mortgages, and homebuying options

    • Homeowning: refinancing, reverse mortgages for senior citizens, and home improvements

    • HUD Homes: HUD homes for sale and how to buy a HUD home

    • Renting: public housing, Section 8, and other rental assistance programs

    • Relocation, Foreclosure, Eviction: avoiding foreclosure and responding to eviction notices

    • FHA Refunds: FHA premium refunds and "tracers"

    • Homeless: services for the homeless

    • Fair Housing: housing discrimination and HUD's fair housing logo

    • Communities: how to get involved in your community and how HUD helps communities

    • Consumer Information: housing discrimination, health hazards, and other consumer information

    • Complaints: how to file a housing discrimination complaint and report fraud in HUD programs

    • About HUD: HUD's organization and jobs