Lead Base Paint (<1978 Home)

If the HUD home was built prior to 1978, and your are utilizing FHA financing for the purchase, HUD will complete a lead based paint inspection and pay for the stabilization and clearence (if necessary), not to exceed $4,000.

Please note that if the purchaser is obtaining FHA203b or 203k financing, HUD will procure a Lead Based Paint inspection for properties built prior to 1978. Closing may not occur until the inspection and a Clearance Certificate have been obtained or a proper credit for stabilization of deteriorated Lead Based Paint has occurred, depending on the type of FHA financing selected. Please note that this process may take weeks to complete. Please follow up with the Asset Manager before scheduling your closing to get confirmation that the proper procedures concerning Lead Based Paint have been completed. You may refer to the LBP Disclosure Addendum enclosed in your contract for more information (see attachment).