Cancelling the Contract
Use the “Contract Release and Earnest Money Disposition” Form.
Submit the form prior to the expiration of sales contract:
To Cancel email:
Should you have a question after uploading into Yardi, please email or
I will not need to be copied. It is imperative that you only copy the assigned closer at or
Contract expiration or closing extension are due within 5 days of settlement. If closing has not been scheduled prior to the expiration date, please submit a Closing Extension Request as soon as possible. If the purchaser is not proceeding with the closing please submit a Contract Release Form.
Can I cancel an offer after it has been submitted?
Yes you can cancel an offer after it has been submitted, until the bid opening date. Log in to, click Bidder Functions, and go to Review your Bids. Click the bid you want to cancel. Click the Withdraw this Bid button. A summary screen will appear, and you will again have to click the Withdraw this Bid. The bid is then withdrawn from consideration by HUD.
You will not be able to cancel an offer after the bid opening date has passed. After that point, if the buyer is not going to close on the sale, the Selling Broker would be required to contact the AM and the Closing Agent as soon as possible. Requests for the return of earnest money would need to be provided in writing and accompanied by the above form with any documentation supporting the reason for the cancellation. Im most cases financing is not a valid reason. Home Inspection issues would be valid.
Investors can withdraw but will lose their deposit.
How do I find out if an offer has been accepted?
It remains the responsibility of the bidder to review the status of all submitted bids on On the Review your Bids screen, you can filter to find all accepted bids. Automated emails are generated from the system as a courtesy but should not be relied upon for notification of accepted bids.