Reply, Reply all, or Forward an email with Outlook

When you receive an email message, you can respond to it by choosing one of these actions: Reply, Reply All, or Forward it to others.

Reply: Send your response only to the sender of the email.

Reply All: Send your response to both the sender and all the recipients of the email.

Forward: Send an email to another person who was not one of the original recipients.

    1. With the email open in the reading pane, click the down arrow icon next to the sender's name and select Reply, Reply all, or Forward.


If you're forwarding an email, enter names in the To and Cc boxes, as applicable.

If the original email contains an attachment, Reply and Reply all won't include the attachment. If you choose Forward, the original message and any attachments will be included.

    1. Enter your response, and click Send.

Tips about using reply, reply all, and forward

Reply and Reply all

Attachments to the original message aren't included when replying.


When you forward a message, the prefix FW: is added to the subject line to alert the recipient they're receiving a forwarded message. The original message is included in the forwarded message, along with any attachments to the original message. You can edit the text of a forwarded message or add and remove any attachments before you send.

When replying to or forwarding an email message, you can change the subject line of the message. Simply delete the existing subject line, and type the new one.