Additional website for Hornchurch Cottage Homes

Thank you to AJB, a resident of the area, for these photos

Hello and welcome,

Katy Cox here, I set up the these sites, because my mum, Violet Jones (and her older sister, Marjorie (Madge) and younger brother, William (Bill) were in the Cottage Homes from 1926 to 1938 and I thought that my research into their time there could help other people in their research. Secondly, I have been contacted by many wonderful people who are willing to share their memories and their pictures.

Many of these memories are sad and hard to read -

some are uplifting -

I, and many others, thank you for sharing your memories,

even though for some of you it must be difficult.

This site is in addition to Memories of Vi Jones, Rose Cottage, Hornchurch Cottage Homes

https://sites.google.com/site/hornchurchch/home - where you will find background information, life in the Homes from 1926-1938 for Vi Jones, more people, pictures, maps, plans and details of records to search.

To contact people on this site please send me an email:


Please put "Cottage Homes" in the subject line.

Thanks ..Katy..

and you can click to join our Cottage Homes facebook group.

© Katy Cox

November, 2014-2020

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