WP: Connecting Fahrenheit 451

Directions: Number your paper 1-8. Read each of the statements below and indicate your level of agreement on a scale of 1-5 (1 = totally disagree; 5 = totally agree). Write short justifications (2-3 sentences) for each of your ratings.

1. Happiness is the absence of problems.

2. Mindless entertainment can be destructive.

3. People’s ideas should be silenced if they interfere with another person’s happiness.

4. The current world is too saturated with technology.

5. Reading increases wisdom and a person’s ability to relate to another person.

6. In a democratic society, people will get whatever they want even if what they want is not good for them.

7. Those people who disagree with the majority should be silenced.

8. Some ideals are worth risking one’s life for.