
Holy Trinity, Rotherhithe:  (revised 6th March 2025)

Special Church Services for Lent (starting 9th March) :-
Sunday Evening 6:00 pm  Special Lenten Service.  A time to reflect, listen and pray.
Saturday Evening 9:00 pm  Sung Compline  A short, peaceful service.

Throughout Lent there will special events around the parish.  See service sheet for more details.

Services in church

Sunday Eucharist will be at 10:00 am.

Sunday Evening Prayer will be at 6:00 pm. (Lady Chapel)

Thursday services will be at 10:00 am.

To help us maintain a safe environment:-

To improve ventilation windows and doors may be kept open, so dress appropriately if the weather is colder.

The church has a wheelchair access ramp and a hearing loop system.
Gluten free communion wafers are available.  Please speak to the duty warden.