Names Alphabetical
The names recorded on the War Memorial
(Corrected July 2018) See also Notes below.
J A V Aldham (certainly Aldam)
J R Bartholomew
C J Bigwood
E W Bigwood
A Birkby
H W Blagdon
J Blewer
J Blewer (probable duplication)
A A Brown
E Chappell
G F Cooper
E W Corbett
F Cue
J W Daniels
Jn W Daniels
W H J Dean
S G Digby
J Dunkley
W Dwyer
B C Dyer
J W S Earle (probably Earl)
A J Easter
E P Ellis
H M R Folkard
H C Gillard
E C Golding
T H Goodall
G Griffiths
H J Haggata
F R Henderson
W Hennessey
G Hill
A C E Hughan
A E Hull
J G Hunter
W B Hunter
F W Hutchings
H G J James
W J Kefford
J King
H Lewis
R J Lewis
T Long
W Lunn
P Lynch
H Messenger
J T Miller
C T Mills
F Moore
W A Osborne
H Plumb
G Poole
J Poole
H Showell
J Simmonds
A W Smart
W Smith
F A Spencer
A G Thompson (possibly H G)
F J Tooms
S A Waite
G H Watson
W Welsh
P White
J A G Wilder
Notes for Genealogists.
There are some discrepancies between the war memorial and army records. It is possible that there are errors on the memorial or in Army records. Men may have given their names incorrectly when they joined up or had names they preferred to their baptismal ones.
J. A. V. Aldham is certainly Joseph Albert Victor ALDAM, Private 9904 in army records. He was from Rotherhithe Street.
C. J. Bigwood is possibly Charles John, Private 32264 but there are some doubts about his army number and unit and we have no address.
J. Blewer appears twice. Probable duplication. Only 3 men named Blewer died in WW1 The other two are not from London. All the Bluers are from Lancashire.
J. W. S. Earle is probably EARL, Private 2882. He is said to be from Rotherhithe but we have no address.
A. G. Thompson is possibly Herbert George, Private G4224 from Trinity Road.