
Small Children & Babies 

Babies and young children are welcome at our services so please don’t be reluctant to bring them. We have toy bags for the younger children, activity packs for the slightly older ones and, on two Sundays a month, there is Sunday School for the 4 to 11 year olds.

If you or your child needs a break during the service, the Lady Chapel now has a sound system relay so you can follow the progress of the service from there.

Acolytes & Servers 

Any young person (year 6 or older) who is interested in carrying a candle or learning about becoming a server should speak to either Andrew or Patrick.

Church Office Time 

Every Saturday morning from 10:00 am to 12 noon in the vestry.

Arrange Baptisms, Weddings, Banns of Marriage, Hall bookings and make general enquiries.

Monday Choir Rehearsal 

Every Monday evening from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the church.

We welcome those who have a love of singing, even if you are a little rusty.  Come and sit in on a Monday evening rehearsal.  For more details speak to Louise Bishop.