Safe Church

A Safe Church : for everyone

Here at Holy Trinity Church we strive to provide a safe, welcoming place where everyone may worship and the love of God is made known to all.

The church and its officers are committed to the protection, nurturing and safekeeping of children, young people and vulnerable adults in our care. Our formal Safeguarding Policies can be found at the back of church. Alternatively you can read the SAFEGUARDING POLICIES HERE.

Our Safeguarding Officers can be contacted by EMAIL. No-one else will see these emails.

Our Churchwardens can be contacted by EMAIL but be aware that the vicar and other members of staff may read emails to this address.

If you have concerns and you wish to contact someone or find support outside the parish then you can use our local Southwark Diocese safeguarding CONTACTS.

In addition the Church of England has a national safeguarding policy and offers HELP & CONTACT DETAILS.

Safeguarding in the News.

News March 2018

There has been much media coverage of the public hearings into historic safeguarding failures within the church.


The Archbishop of Canterbury invited the IICSA to investigate the abuse of children within the Church of England. The first 3 weeks of public hearings are now over. In response, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have published a joint letter which is available to read here.