

The Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health (HKSBH) was established on 4th July 2013. It aims at providing a platform for people working in the field of behavioral health and behavioral medicine which is defined as “the interdisciplinary field concerned with the development and integration of psychosocial, behavioral and biomedical science knowledge and techniques relevant to health and illness and the application of this knowledge and these techniques to prevention, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation” (International Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2013). It intends to network professionals to foster research and training in behavioral health by collaborations and excavating resources. On 15th September 2014, it has become one of the regional societies constituting the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM) for extension of international research network and collaborations.


Painted by Calsun Wang

Recent Highlights

  • Webinar on Applications of Digital Platforms and Devices in Various Health Settings was held successfully on 12th November 2022.

  • A Regional Webinar Symposium on COVID-19 vaccination in six counties was held successfully on 20th August 2021.

  • Incentives for Behavioral Health: Insights from Behavioral Economics was held successfully on 26th June 2018. Prof. Jaimie Lien from Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School discussed some of the ways that research findings in behavioral economics can apply to behavioral health issues, including limited self-control and commitment devices for tempting behaviors, motivation for better health investments through individual and social reference-dependence, belief biases in health-related decisions, and default options for health plan choices under limited processing.

  • Application of Big Data & AI in Behavioral and Public Health was held successfully on 22th June 2018. Dr Chen Tong from Chief Health Officer, IBM Greater China discussed with the quick development of Big Data and AI technologies and tools, there is vast new opportunities and applications to address the limitations on complex behavioral and public health science.

  • Interdisciplinary Bridging Workshop Series: Motivational Interviewing Workshop was held successfully on the 3-4th October 2016. We were honored to invite Prof. Kai Jonas from Maastricht University to introduce us to the concepts of motivational interviewing (MI). MI is a directive, patient-centered counselling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. The workshop not only provided theoretical discussions on the concepts of MI, but also interactive role-play activities to demonstrate how the fundamental principles of MI can be applied in physician-client counselling sessions. This workshop attracted over 50 participants from multiple disciplines including social work, psychology, and public health. All the participants were highly satisfied with what they had learned from this workshop, particularly those who are in the healthcare settings.

  • Where East meets West: Interdisciplinary Approaches on Behavioral Health and Behavioral Interventions

Excellent feedback given to the workshop! “Where East meets West: Interdisciplinary Approaches on Behavioral Health and Behavioral Interventions”

The 6-day workshop was held from July 10-15, 2016, with Prof. David Seal, Tulane University, and Prof. Joseph Lau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong as lead lecturers. It covered key areas in behavioral health, from theories to applications (click here for content). The 37 participants came from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Macau. They gave us overwhelming feedback, and an average rating of 4.6 (out of 5) for all the lectures. Written comments include:

• “Every topic is provided by reliable research and excellent experience of resource person”.

• “Have more friends and set up networking with others”.

• “Group project; that's really a good opportunity for student to practice the Theory of Behavior Health. Discussion among group is really good”.

• “All of the lecturers are so nice and gave us the excellent courses I believe.”

• “I enjoyed the discussion during the workshop most. Because I think the atmosphere is very relaxing”.

• “There is many chances to communicate and discuss with the teachers. And also many cooperation with my classmates. I really enjoy that”

For those who are interested and missed it, stay tune for future re-runs in Hong Kong or other parts of Asia, and also keep track of our future high quality training workshops! Have a look at our participants’ bright smiles as well.

    • Interdisciplinary Bridging Workshop Series: Meta-analysis on Behavioural Intervention was held successfully on 28th October 2015. Professor Kelvin Tsoi from Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, introduced the concept of systematic review, presented the procedures of conducting a meta-analysis, and demonstrated the application of meta-analysis on behavioural interventions to the audience. A software for meta-analysis, Review Manager, also introduced in this workshop.

    • Interdisciplinary Bridging Workshop Series: Applying Psychological Theories to Public Health Research was held successfully on 25th June 2015. Professor Phoenix Mo from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has an active interest in Health Psychology and Behavioral Health, introduced the psychological theories and models that have been most frequently used in public health research, and described their application to various public health issues and behaviors to the audience. Common issues and challenges in applying psychological theories in public health research and practice were also discussed in this workshop.

  • Interdisciplinary Bridging Workshop Series: Applied Epidemiology for Interdisciplinary Research was held successfully on 4th February 2015. Professor Lawrence Lam from The Hong Kong Institute of Education introduced epidemiology to researchers without a public health background to facilitate communication with colleagues in medical and health disciplines and to prepare grant applications. It provided a basic understanding on useful terminologies, concepts, and practical usages of epidemiology for scientific pursuits. The main topics included:

    • Epidemiological concepts of measuring diseases and health conditions prevalence, incidence, and risk;

    • Relationships among variables - association, confounding, modification, and mediation

    • Common study designs in medical and health research - study types and issues including instrumentation.

  • Interdisciplinary Bridging Workshop Series: Practical Health Communication Issues for researchers interested in public health was held successfully on 4th Nov 2014.

    • Satellite Symposium “Inter-sectorial Collaborations to Advance Health in the Community – The Interplay between Academic Institutions and Non-governmental Organizations” in conjunction with The 6th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities was held successfully on 28th Oct 2014

    • The HKSBH has formally been accepted as a national/regional member of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM). We obtained unanimously vote of support from all 20 country members.

  • 1st Annual General Meeting cum Symposium on Interdisciplinary Action to Promote Population Health

Date: 5th July 2014

  • Hidden Youth Drug-Wise Seminar

The Society has co-organized a seminar “Hidden Youth Drug-Wise Seminar” with Lion Club on 8th Jun 2014. Our President Prof. Joseph Lau has given a speech on “Study on Drug Abuse Situation and Service Needs of Non-engaged Youths in Hong Kong” to a group of audiences including teachers, parents, youths and social workers.

  • Seminar on Journal Papers from the View Point of an Editor

On 29th Oct 2013 we did another seminar on journal paper writing given by a Prof. Lorraine Sherr from University College London, who is the editor of three peer reviewed journals, International Journals AIDS Care, Psychology Health and Medicine and Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies.