The Mitchisons. A family history

The discovery of a hitherto unknown collection of archive documents enabled John Charlton to put together the history of a Mitchison family. The family's members moved socially and geographically from skilled craftsmen in 18th Century |Newcastle to wealth accumulation and social standing in the south east of England. Their considerable wealth derived from buying and selling property, judicious investments and fortuitous marriages. By the end of the 19th Century they hsd become comfortably lodged in Home Counties society in large properties with armies of servants, serving as magistrates, poor law guardians and church wardens.

Their children enjoyed public school and Oxbridge education. It wa sa world rocked by the trauma of the Great War from they they emerged to find new directions. Their histories provide illuminating examples of the way in which the concept of middle England appeared and was modified by social, political and economic change.

John Charlton is a former history lecturer at Leeds University, and author of many books, including:

Hidden Chains: The Slavery  Business and North East England (2008)

Don't you hear the H Bombs Thunder; Youth and Politics on Tyneside (2009)

He was an active member of the Tyne & Wear 2007 Remembering Slavery project, for which I was the project worker.

He was the co-ordinator of the 2010-13 North East Popular Politics Project, for which I was project worker. 

He is active in the North East Labour History Society

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