History Walks

Over the last few years I have been leading history walks

mainly in Wandsworth and North Lambeth

The emphasis is on the process of change up to the present day, people who have lived and worked in the area and their organisations. If requested I can work up new walks.

Albert Embankment

Battersea High St

This walk can be along the whole of the High St or it can be split into sections

* York Rd to Katherine Low Settlement

* Katherine Low Settlement to Battersea Square

Battersea Rise Dignatories

Focuses on people after whom local streets are named and who are buried in Battersea Rise Cemetery, inc. John Buckmaster, John Burns and Dr Harbens Lal Gulati.

Battersea Park to Battersea Power Station: Battersea’s Urban Conflicts

A look at the history of Battersea Park, Park Town Estate, the railways, the water works the Power Station and the Catholic enclave.

Battersea Park: Politics and Arts in and around

Explores the political and cultural uses of Battersea Park and some of the residents of the mansions blocks. Local politicians such as John Archer and William Stephen Sanders lived in this area.

Battersea Park Rd: John Archer's Battersea

Battersea Park Rd to Arts Centre: John Archer's Battersea

Battersea Square : The Heart of Old Battersea

Covent Garden/Strand: Black and Radical History

This includes a visit to the Freemasons HQ


* Gasworks to Kennington Park

* Kennington Park

* Push the Envelope. An introduction to the cultural history of Kennington and Vauxhall

John Burns Trails

St Mary's Cemetery, Battersea Rise

Latchmere Estate

Lavender Hill: Walking into the Past and The Development of the Area

This walk can be adapted so that the whole of the Hill can be walked, or offered as several short walks so that more of the side streets can be explored.

Nine Elms

Walks can either go the whole length from Battersea Park Station to Vauxhall Cross or be divided into:

* one including Patmore and Savona Estates

* one at the Vauxhall Cross end

North Lambeth: Radical History

Northcote Rd

Price's Candles area

Queenstown Rd: Battersea’s Australian and Ethiopian Connections

Walk around St Philip Square, Queenstown Rd, exploring the development of the Park Town Estate and the work of the Flowers family.

St John's Hill

Streatham Cemetery, Garratt Lane

The emphasis of this walk is on the life of Jane Roberts, who was buried in January 1914 aged 95. She was a Black American who emigrated to Liberia (West Africa) and became wife of the first President of the independent black republic. She visited England several times. In her old age lived in Battersea with John Archer (black Mayor 1913/14) and his black Canadian wife. The walk also includes: Wandsworth's Dustman VC, one of the founders of the London Symphony Orchestra, and a leading player in the Crystal Palace Orchestra.

St Mary's Cemetery, Battersea Rise


This walk is an introduction to the life of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, the composer, who lived at severala addresses in the area.

South Lambeth

South Lambeth stories looks at the South Lambeth Library, John Tradescant, teh Carroun etstae, the Beufoys, Vauxhall Park, faith community initiatives between the Library and Fentiman Rd.


* A look at the the history and developments at Vauxhall centered in and around Vauxhall; Pleasure Gardens.

* Push the Envelope. An introduction to the cultural history of Kennington and Vauxhall

West Hill: Wandsworth Museum building: its links with the slavery business and roller skating

A walk around the part of West Hill part where the Museum is located.

Wandsworth Town Centre

Different walks enable different sections of the Centre e.g.

* St Ann's Hill and Fairfield St with the Municipal Buildings

* Wandsworth High St

* King George's Park to the High St

* The Causeway area

Wandsworth Riverside: from Wandsworth to Putney Bridges

I have also led walks in area around the Strand and Covent Gdn, Cartwright Gdns , and in Newcastle and Durham (on Slavery and Abolition)

More information from Sean Creighton: 020 8764 4301; sean.creighton1947@btinternet.com