PDF Monographs

Over the years I have prepared a number of talks and background notes. Some of these are available as History & Social Action Publications History Monograph as set out below.

No.1. Progressive Battersea: Radicalism and Socialism 1880-1914

Basis of talk at West London Local History Conference 21 March 2009.

No.2. Black Abolitionists and the North East

Basis of talk at Liberating Sojourn 2 Conference, Liverpool University, 23-25 April 2009.

No.3. John Archer and the Politics of Labour

Talk at Belonging in Europe Conference, organised by the Equiano Centre,

Department of Geography, University College London, 8 & 9 November 2007

No. 4 – Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. Its Continuing Historical Influence

This monograph started off as a review of the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens Conference held in July 2008, and over the year has slowly expanded into a discussion on issues relating to the spread and management of pleasure gardens, their appeal, and their lasting legacy down to the modern day. It also attempts to integrate aspects of the black experience in Britain: Ignatius Sancho, Juba, William Wells Brown and the Fisk Jubilee Singers.

No.5 - Sharing Knowledge - Discussion notes re-Universities and the Wider Historical Community

This paper was prepared for use in connection with the Arts & Humanities Research Council event held in Birmingham in 5 May 2009, which I attended on behalf of BASA.

No.6 - Black Emancipation and the Working Class. 1815-1838

Talk at HistoryTalk July 2009.

No.7 - From Exclusion to Political Control. Radical and Working Class Organisation in Battersea 1830s-1918

Revised talk at Public Record Office Conference "Voice of the Multitude", Radicalism and Unrest in Britain, 1790-1918. 1998.

No.8 - Battersea Friendly Societies

Paper used for talk at Sheffield University's Centre for Research into Freemasonry seminar, December 2002.

No. 9 - Negro Life in Freedom and in Slavery

A note about an 1851 theatre production by Henry Russell

No. 10 - West Country Black and Asian Heritage Information

No. 11 - Church Newspapers and Parish Magazines as a Source of Information

No. 12 - National Union of Empire Africans

No. 13 - Black and Asian Scottish Stories 1920-1941

No. 14 - Notes on Indians in Britain and India Connections

No. 15 - Organising in the Film Industry in the late 1930s

No. 16 - A Wimbledon Window on the Black & Asian Presence 1950-1953

No. 17 - William Jackson at Anti-Slavery Meeting in Lambeth 1862

No. 18 - Settlements & Social Action History Newsletters 2002-5

No. 19 - Lady Margaret Hall Settlement History and Challenges