Sean Creighton publications

The following are publications by Sean Creighton.

Croydon's African and Asian History. An Introduction. (2016) - see Croydon page

Croydon's Crisis. Some Background Facts. (2016) - see Croydon page

From Exclusion to Political Control. Radical and Working Class Organisation in Battersea 1830s-1918. (2016) - see Battersea page

John Archer. Battersea's Black Progressive & Labour Activist (2015) - see Battersea page)

Organising Together in Lambeth. A Historical Review of Co-operative and Mutual Social Action. (2015) - see Lambeth page

Politics and Culture. Paul Robeson in the UK. (2013) - see Paul Robeson page

Radical Croydon 1860s-1939. An introduction to the history of Croydon's labour, radical and socialist movements. (2016) - see Croydon page

Railwaymen and Brunswick House. (2015) - see Lambeth page

The Falcon Rd Area - An Introductory History. (2016) - see Battersea page

Who Controls Croydon? The local economy, planning, regeneration, developers, housing, education, culture, the Council and community action. (2016) - see Croydon page