Hellgate Elementary Orchestra

This is the place to explore music, be part of an amazing group of students and play great music! 

So... let's rosin up the bows and get started!

Please use the pull down menu on the TOP LEFT side of your screen to see all of your options on this Google Site.

Orchestra Director

Quick Link to Beginning Orchestra Information 

(5th grade and new students to orchestra)

Link to Beginning Orchestra Information  

-- a great place for 5th grade orchestra students and students that just joined orchestra OR upcoming 4th grade students signed up for Orchestra in the fall!  Welcome!!!!

Link to Renting or Purchasing an instrument over the summer

-- need an instrument to practice on over the summer?  Here are some places to start looking.

Link to where to get your instrument repaired or tuned over the summer

Does your instrument need to be tuned over summer?  Do you need your bow rehaired or new strings? Here are some places that can help.

Currently, Hellgate Elementary does NOT rent any of our instruments over the summer months.