

If you know of a site you would like added to this page, please contact

Likewise, please report any broken links.

Links to Members' Pages


Local Outdoor Organizations

Suggestions from April McVey's Fifth Grade Class, March 2012

    • "We have been using your page for school and we like your links. :-) Thank you for letting us use them. We had the awesome idea that we should send you suggestions of other ones that we like to use as a thank you. Our teacher Mrs McVey thinks its very thoughtful of us and that you could maybe put them up on your page with the other ones. That's why we are writing to you. The ones we like are:"

Suggestions from Barbara Kelley and her middle school class, July 2015

  • "The kids that I mentor wanted me to email you and let you know that they think your page, on endangered animals, is very helpful! We have been learning all about animals in our biology class. As a thank you they wanted me to reach out and give you another great resource they have been using and have found helpful... they were hoping you would add the link to your page". (Thanks we are happy to add this link).


The following links are not meant to be inclusive of all the regional, state or national organizations that our membership might find of interest. What we have attempted to do is provide a variety of web sites that also have further links of interest.

Regional Outdoor Organizations

State Outdoor Organizations

National Outdoor Organizations

Outdoor Web Pages

Rochester and Monroe County
