Helmer Nature Center (Monroe)

Helmer Nature Center (Monroe)


New York State Atlas & Gazetteer (Delorme Mapping Company) page(s): 72

Other Maps: town/Irondequoit highway map

How to get there:

Located in Irondeguoit on Pine Grove Ave. off St. Paul Blvb (approximately 2 miles north of the Seneca Zoo entrance).


The Helmer Nature Center, owned and operated by the West Irondequoit Central School District, is both an outdoor classroom and an environmental resource for the entire community. It encompasses approximately 45 acres of land. The diverse terrain is inhabited by a variety of wildlife, from the white tailed deer to tiny field mice. The area abounds with many species of trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. The following facilities and resources are available at the Helmer Nature Center: approximately 2 miles of trails, pond boardwalk and observation area, snowshoes, maple sugaring pavilion, photographic blind and specialty gardens. The object of the Helmer Nature Center is to utilize the natural world as a classroom in order to provide practical, integrated learning opportunities, foster environmental awareness, and promote the concept of global stewardship for all students.

Area Literature:

Available at the Nature Center

Nature Center at Site:


Area Administrator Information:

154 Pine Grove Ave., Rochester, NY 14617-2627 (716) 336-3035

Limits to Access:

No (Handicapped accessible)

Type of Path:

Dirt, and edged woodchipped

Types of Nature Study Activity:

Birding, animal observation, wildflower and plant study and some geology

Natural Features:

Swamp, forest, pond, fileds, river/streams and ravine