Know Everything to Go For the Mungfali Oil

Post date: Oct 27, 2020 1:41:6 PM

Author Name: Dishit Nathwani

Address:- Teliya Mill Gate No 2, Opp Century Market, Nr Prem Darwaja, Kalupur-06, Ahmedabad

Mobile No:- +919925125251

Mungfali Oil

In simpler terms, groundnut oil is the extracted oil from edible peanuts by pressing the legumes. Also referred to as groundnuts, it is commonly utilized as cooking oil, especially in Oriental countries such as Japan, China, and other South Asian cuisines. Popularly known as Mungfali Oil in India, Refined Groundnut oil is the final product after the organic oil is bleached, refined, and deodorized.

Nutritional Value

Groundnuts are actually a type of legumes, resembling peas and beans. It has a high smoking point, making it an excellent choice for preparing fried food items.

Peanut oil contains 20% saturated fat, 50% monounsaturated fat, and 31% polyunsaturated fat.

Typically, the unsaturated fat found in peanut oil is the Oleic acid, differently called Omega-9. It also contains a significant amount of Linoleic acid and a little Palmitic acid, which is saturated fat.

One tablespoon of peanut oil contains,

· Calories: 119

· Fat: 14 grams

· Saturated Fat: 2.3 grams

· Monounsaturated Fat: 2.3 grams

· Polyunsaturated Fat: 4.3 grams

· Vitamin E: 11% of RDI

· Phytosterols: 27.9mg

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Is Groundnut Oil better than regular oils?

1. Loaded with Antioxidants:

Mungfali oil is loaded with healthy unsaturated fats and antioxidants. It is proved to help maintain cardiovascular health by resisting certain risk factors Atherosclerosis. There is evidence that the intake of unsaturated fats can reduce the risk of heart diseases. by almost 30%. It contains natural antioxidants such as phytochemicals and a significant amount of vitamin E that protects from free radical damage, consequently preventing the risk of Cancers and other heart diseases. The Omega 3 found in this type of oil, fights inflammation that is liable to trigger a number of chronic diseases.

Peanut oil is reusable as it can be used several times after filtering.

2. Used in Skincare:

The Vitamin E present in Groundnut oil makes it essentially good for skin health. Prevents premature aging and wrinkles. It rejuvenates the skin and significantly reduces minor irritations and redness. Vitamin E moisturizes the skin and makes it radiant. So, many people use it for cosmetic purposes for higher benefits.

3. Reduces Insulin sensitivity:

Peanut oil helps improve insulin sensitivity in diabetic individuals. Various studies conclude that it also significantly controls blood sugar levels, proactively reducing the high levels, and HbA1c in blood. Thus, very effective in blood sugar control.

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4. Slows Down Cognitive Disorders: Groundnut oil has proven to be beneficial to those with serious age-related cognitive disorders such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. A certain compound known as Resveratrol that is found in Groundnut oil steadily stops the frenzied progress of these ailments from further spreading into the brain. It also lowers the risk of the formation of cataracts in the eyes.

5. For cooking: Having a high smoke point, it is ideal for frying purposes. Due to its neutral taste, refined groundnut oil does not alter the flavor of the food, rather compliments it. It is very cost-effective and easily available, which makes it a popular choice all around the world.


Even though there are some people highly sensitive to peanuts, refined peanut oil does not contain any allergens. The refining process makes sure to remove any allergens. Thus, it can be safely used even around individuals allergic to peanuts.

The high amount of Omega-6 found in Peanut oil is a cause of health concern. It is linked with causing Inflammation and other health issues. Other choices that have proved to be healthier due to the low amount of Omega-6 are Coconut oil, Avocado Oil, and Virgin Olive Oil. On the other hand, the Omega 3 proactively reduces inflammation.