8 Health benefits of mustard oil

Author Name: Dishit Nathwani

Address:– Teliya Mill Gate No 2, Opp Century Market, Nr Prem Darwaja, Kalupur-06, Ahmedabad

Mobile No:- +919925125251

Pure Mustard Oil

We all know that Mustard Oil is one of the healthiest edible oils available. It is extensively used in Indian households due to its unique aroma and flavor along with great benefits for our health like any other oil or food. Mustard Oil has been known since centuries for its various medicinal properties and people are consuming it daily even without knowing it's benefits. Mustard Oil is also popularly called as "Indian ghee" because of its color, texture & taste especially when heated. There are many Mustard Oil brands available in the market both online & offline stores but not all Mustard Oils are good enough to be consumed.

Since most of them have undergone chemical extraction before packaging, these Mustard oil lose their healthy properties that reduces the benefit you are getting from Mustard Oil. So, it's better to check Mustard Oil's benefits before using Mustard Oil in your daily cooking or Mustard oil Treatment for any disease especially if you have thyroid problem.

Here are my top 10 Mustard Oil Benefits along with Mustard Oil Side Effects that you must know since they are most common when Mustard is used in excess amount or applied on the skin that may cause allergic reactions due to its strong flavor & aroma.

1) Improve Digestion

Mustard Seeds, the main ingredient of Mustard Oil contains fiber which helps keep our intestine clean and healthy by removing all toxic wastes from digestive system which prevents many diseases like constipation, stomach ache etc. Since fiber increases bowel movements and Mustard contains fiber so it helps to keep our digestive system healthy. If Mustard Seeds are grinded into Mustard Powder or Mustard Oil is applied on the stomach, it helps to treat many stomach problems like acidity, indigestion etc.

2) Cures Constipation

Constipation can be extremely painful that can lead to severe damage if we don't cure constipation as fast as possible. Mustard Oil is a good remedy for constipation because Mustard Seeds contain soluble & insoluble fibers which help clean toxic wastes from intestine and regulates bowel movements thus curing constipation and also prevents constipation cause such as sluggish colon or intestinal muscles, unhealthy diet habits etc. Mustard Seeds help you avoid further constipation problems by cleaning toxic wastes from the intestine to prevent many digestive system related problems. Mustard Oil's antiseptic properties soothes the stomach muscles and cures indigestion, acidity pain etc. Mustard Oil is also good for hemorrhoids patients because Mustard Seeds kill bacteria in Hemorrhoid area which prevents it from further damage or infection that causes itching & irritation.

3) Treats Acid Reflux (Heartburn)

Mustard Seeds contain fiber which absorbs water in the stomach to maintain proper thickness of bile juice thus eliminating heartburn symptoms like mild chest pain due to excess amount of acid in the stomach. Mustard oil when applied on upper half part of abdomen to cure Heartburn (Acid Reflux) symptoms by aging the Mustard Oil on the area. Mustard oil is also an antiseptic that strengthens the stomach muscles and cures stomach related problems like indigestion, acidity etc. Mustard oil is used as a home remedy for heartburn treatment along with Mustard Seeds & Mustard powder to cure it fast at home without any side effects on health.

4) Treats Acid Reflux (Heartburn)

Mustard Seeds contain fiber which absorbs water in the stomach to maintain proper thickness of bile juice thus eliminating heartburn symptoms like mild chest pain due to excess amount of acid in the stomach. Mustard oil when applied on upper half part of abdomen to cure Heartburn (Acid Reflux) symptoms by aging the Mustard Oil on the area. Mustard oil is also an antiseptic that strengthens the stomach muscles and cures stomach related problems like indigestion, acidity etc. Mustard oil is used as a home remedy for heartburn treatment along with Mustard Seeds & Mustard powder to cure it fast at home without any side effects on health.

5) Cures Indigestion

Indigestion can be very painful which leads to cramps, bloating pain in stomach and eructation (Burp) which makes you feel uncomfortable all day long and night if not cured properly. Mustard seeds help cure indigestion by curing constipation cause of indigestion and Mustard Oil is a good home remedy for indigestion treatment because of its antiseptic properties. Mustard Oil strengthens the stomach muscles by curing stomach problems like acidity, constipation etc which helps to cure indigestion fast at home without any side effects on health. Mustard oil cures burping problem by increasing secretion of digestive juices from pancreas that improves digestion process and cures heartburn, indigestion etc. Mustard Oil also kills food poisoning bacteria in intestine to prevent further damage or infection which causes many digestive system related problems.

6) Cures Diarrhea & Intestinal Infections

Diarrhea can be very painful if it lasts for more than 3-4 days and can also cause serious bacterial infections (Enteritis) that require Mustard Oil's antiseptic properties to cure diarrheal symptoms and fast. Mustard oil cures intestinal problems like colitis, stomach flu by killing harmful bacteria in intestine with its antiseptic properties and helps restore normal bowel movements. Mustard Seed powder when taken with water or juice (Diluted) stops diarrhea instantly and Mustard Seeds when crushed and mixed with little black pepper powder cures it fast at home without any side effects on health.

7) Cures Colic Pains in Childrens

Colic pains occur in babies & children which are very painful & irritating that affect their sleep badly. Mustard Oil is a good remedy for Colic Pains in babies by applying Mustard Oil over the abdominal area to cure colic pains instantly which helps the baby sleep well. Mustard oil is also an antiseptic that kills harmful bacteria in intestine with its powerful antibiotic properties which may cause Diarrhea & Intestinal Infections. Mustard Oil when consumed regularly cures stomach related problems like indigestion, acidity etc and improves digestion process which makes you feel better all day long without any side effects on health.

8) Controls Blood Pressure

Mustard Oil when taken regularly reduces blood pressure because Mustard Seeds contain fiber that absorbs water in the stomach to maintain proper thickness of bile juice thus regulating correct blood pressure levels. Mustard Seeds are also high in magnesium content which helps to relax blood vessels thus reducing high blood pressure level. Mustard Oil when applied over the skin to treat skin related problems like eczema, fungal infections, psoriasis etc reduces blood pressure levels in body because Mustard Seeds are good antiseptic properties that kills harmful bacteria in intestine and cures constipation cause of indigestion where high amounts of toxins enter the bloodstream and cause high blood pressure. Mustard seeds when consumed with water help cure indigestion by curing constipation & other stomach related problems faster at home without any side effects on health. Mustard oil also prevents heart diseases by lowering cholesterol levels, preventing atherosclerosis from accumulating fat, plaques and thicken arteries walls thus reducing chances of getting heart attacks. Mustard Oil when applied over the skin reduces high blood pressure levels by curing skin related problems & also contains antioxidants that protects heart by lowering bad cholesterol level in circulatory system which prevents arteriosclerosis cause of many cardiovascular diseases.

For More Information:- Gulaboils