9 reason you need to know before buying refined groundnut oil

Author Name: Dishit Nathwani

Address:– Teliya Mill Gate No 2, Opp Century Market, Nr Prem Darwaja, Kalupur-06, Ahmedabad

Mobile No:- +919925125251

Refined Groundnut Oil

Refined groundnut oil is refined and processed from groundnut kernels. It is golden-yellow in colour and has a light, pleasing taste with little odour.

Groundnut oil comes from peanuts and is also called arachis oil or refined peanut oil. It is used as cooking oil in Indian cuisine, including North Indian, South Indian, Bengali and Gujarati cuisines. Expeller refined groundnut initially has a strong peanut smell but after multiple uses loses the scent significantly.

Some people choose refined peanut oil for its delicate flavour while some others avoid it due to its high cholesterol content which may lead to cardiac problems over time if consumed excessively.

9 reason you need to know before buying refined groundnut oil:

1. Groundnut oil is refined in order to remove the unpleasant taste and odour of peanuts and make it tasteful and flavourful.

2. The refined oil also has a refined texture, light yellow colour and higher smoke point than unrefined oils such as peanut oil which makes it ideal for deep frying at normal temperatures required in Indian cuisine like Tandoori cooking etc..

3. Expeller refined groundnut initially has a strong peanut smell but after multiple uses loses the scent significantly.

4. Most refined groundnut or peanut oils have a neutral flavor making them suitable for a variety of dishes including sautéing, stir-frying, searing, marinating and deep frying.

5. Pure refined peanut oil has a mild nutty flavor that is almost undetectable when cooked at high temperature or for longer periods of time.

6. Groundnut oils are refined to remove the strong peanut scent but have refined nutritionals, are low in saturated fat with no cholesterol - making them good for your heart.

7. Similarly refined almonds turn into expeller refined almond oil which means it can be used as a cooking alternative to refined peanut oil in baking desserts etc.

8. Refined groundnut oils are extracted from shelled peanuts using steam distillation method because refined groundnut/peanut oil is highly unstable when exposed to air leading to oxidation or rancidity.

9. Expeller refined groundnut oil can be used as refined cooking oil as well as refined massage oil for babies and adults alike due to its non-greasy texture and light fragrance.

Refined groundnut oil can be used to fry all kinds of food items like French fries, samosas, kebabs etc.. It is also used in preparing pastries and waffles. The refined oil has a high smoke point (410 degree Celsius) which makes it ideal for deep frying at normal temperatures required in Indian cuisine like Tandoori cooking etc. Refined groundnut or peanut oils are refined using a refined expeller process that assures the absence of any residual solvent or pungent smell but does not affect its useful properties.

For More Information:- Gulaboils