How Can I Help Promote The Big Data eCourse & Earn A Bit


Big Data eCourse On Laudius Platform

The Big Data eCourse is on the Laudius eCourse platform. It has been there since 2018. With Big Data becoming more popular and important these days the importance of the Big Data eCourse is rising.

Why Promotion Of Big Data eCourse Is Needed

No eCourse or actually no product sells itself, maybe except the sun. Without promotion no one would know where to find the Big Data eCourse or even that the eCourse exist. The eCourse Big Data was developed, because of the information age in which more and more data is collected and analyzed. Researchers, data managers, analyst, journalist, etc. don’t stop there. All of them want to use different sources to come up with a scoop or a new angle to their research or findings. The merging of these collected files can cause Big Data, a mess of data. The merging of Big Data has to be done accurate otherwise the research or findings would have no value or give false results. The Big Data eCourse deals with privacy, analysis, ethics, etc. which should be common knowledge when working with Big Data. The Big Data eCourse is a beginner’s eCourse on Big Data.

The Big Data eCourse Is Free With The Stapbudget

The Big Data eCourse can be followed for free with the Stapbudget by Dutch citizens with residents in The Netherlands. The Stapbudget isn’t automatically awarded but need applying for. I wrote the blog ”‘Free’ Schooling For Every Dutch Citizen Of The Netherlands” and a few guest articles on how to apply for the Stapbudget. I have also made an infographic explaining the steps to apply for the Stapbudget. The Stapbudget ended in 2023 and can't be used anymore to buy the Big Data ecourse.

Earn On Promoting The Big Data eCourse

As I already pointed an eCourse doesn’t sell itself, that is why I am promoting the Big Data eCourse through affiliate links. Affiliate is advertisement that is done by others than the owner of the product. I wrote the blog “To Affiliate Or Not To Do?” about how I use affiliate on my website, on X (formerly Twitter), in other eCourses and in some guest publications. I am not the owner of the Big Data eCourse, but I made it as an assignment for Laudius. There is a blog on how this collaboration started “How Laudius asked for a Big Data eCourse and I and another teacher made it”. I still check the homework for this Big Data eCourse.

The Affiliate Platform The Big Data eCourse Is On Laudius Platform

Besides earning on checking homework I earn with affiliates on the Big Data eCourse. I have affiliate links on my website, tweets, other eCourses and guest publications for the Big Data eCourse. These affiliate links gives me an income like writers earn on their books. When a Laudius eCourse is sold through one of my affiliate links I get a percentage of the sale price. Like most writers I won’t be a millionaire from affiliate sales. I am an affiliate for Laudius, because I have relevant content on my website, tweets and articles about Big Data. Others with relevant content can also apply to become an affiliate and earn on affiliate links for this Big Data eCourse or other eCourse on the Laudius platform.

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