Things-GLT Almost Finished!

Post date: 11-Nov-2014 10:40:37

Now that the fall conference season is done, I have devoting my time towards getting this Google Lit Trip finished and polished in time for my self-appointed December deadline. Yesterday was a great day where I accomplished a number of major tasks towards getting this project completed. The Google Earth file is pretty much complete (pending feedback) and I have built a small Google Site to support the project <> and to distribute some extra background information and photos. More importantly, I got in touch with Jerome Burg (the father of Google Lit Trips) whom I had the privilege to meet and work with a few years ago at a Google Geo Institute in London. Jerome was excited about my project and has offered to take me through a process of providing feedback on what I have built, refining my GLT and then (hopefully) publishing it on his GLT website. Jerome was quite excited to have a new GLT which connects to historical China, which he is keenly interested in after presenting GLTs in China before, without any projects that take place in China.