Final Reflection

The GEG Poland Google+ Community is up and running - come and join our community! This part of my Google GCT Project took a number of twists and turns along the way, but ended up in a good place. The initial idea of working with Google Education on a national plan to introduce GAfE to Polish schools was already stalled when I joined the project, so the fact that it did not go very far was not a surprise. Taking advantage of the GEG groups getting started was coincidental as well as timely, and worked out really well.

Things That Must Not Be Forgotten - A childhood in wartime China

Google Lit Trip


Creating a Google Lit Trip from scratch for my father's memoir has been a huge learning experience for me both professionally (really learning how to use and build in Google Earth, and conducting meaningful research from primary sources without much data to work with) and personally (digging into my family history and Chinese history). I spent most of my time on this project working to verify places in China without an address - working for excerpts from my father's book, old photos and historical evidence such as old maps and photos. Playing the part of a historian and keeping on the narrow trails of clues was both energizing and time-consuming. Sometimes I would find myself in the "flow" of the hunt - being totally absorbed in the work without a conscious thought of time passing . . . that's a great feeling! If you would like more of my thoughts and reflections on the process that I went through or the product itself, then read through the Reflections postings and check out the Site that I built.