Blair's Shower

Warner: In the early days, the old house didn't have plumbing of any kind. They used the cistern in the back and brought the water in with buckets. When I was young, there was a tap outside. Gordon added plumbing to the old house by running the pipes on the outside of the house and into the kitchen. When the house was moved and remodeled, there was a new kitchen and bath but they didn't have enough money to finish them for awhile. When Gordon came home from WW II he put in the kitchen and bathroom.

Before this time, we had an outhouse in back and we took baths in a tub in Mother's bedroom. Sometimes Arlington and I used the same water. It was how you did it then. When we got older, we would go over to the high school and use the showers over there.

One summer, Blair decided to make his own shower. He put a number 2 tub on top of the tack room and ran a hose with a clip on it into a bucket that holes in the bottom of it. When he wanted to take a shower, he would unclip the hose and warm solar heated water would drain into the bucket. It was great. We had hot showers in our backyard.

We took a bath in a tub like this. The bigger you got, the harder it was.