

Deal three cards to each player. Place the unused cards, face-down in a stack for drawing.


The player to the dealer's left goes first, and the turn passes clockwise. On each turn, a player places one of his or her three cards face-up on the table next to the drawing stack. The player then calls out the total value of the face-up pile as determined by the rules below. Finally, the player draws the top card from the face-down drawing stack. Play then passes to the next person.


At the beginning of each round, the total value of the stack begins at 0. For each card played, the stack value increases by the face value of the card. For example, the if the first card played in the round is a seven of clubs, the stack value called is seven. Certain cards have special values or effects, as noted below.

- Jacks and queens count for 10 points.

- Aces count for 1 point

- Fours keep the value of the pile the same but reverses the order of play from clockwise to counter-clockwise and back.

- Nines are a "hold" - the pile value remains the same.

- Tens decrease the value of the stack by ten.

- Kings automatically make the pile value 99.


The stack continues to increase in value until it reaches 99. If a player cannot play a card without taking the value of the stack over 99, the player is out and play moves to the next player. The last player remaining wins the round and earns one point.


After each round, deal passes to next player to the left of the previous dealer. When a player receives x points, he or she wins the game (x determined by the players)