Mormon Bridge


  • Single deck of playing cards, minus the jokers
  • Score pad/pencil


  • This game has ten rounds. Start by dealing out 10 cards to each player. Reduce that number by one on subsequent rounds until you deal only one card to each player. After that round, the game is over.
  • Turn over the top card from the remaining stack of cards. This is the TRUMP suit (A trump will win over any other card in any other suit)
    • The scorekeeper writes this suit down on the scorecard.
      • You can not have the same suit two rounds in a row. If the same suit is drawn the second time, there is no trump on that round.
    • Push the cards away...they will not be used until the next round
  • After sorting their cards, each person decides how many hands they will win
  • The dealer says "ready, set, go" and on the word "go" everyone simultaneously shows by number of raised fingers how many hands they think they will win.
    • The scorekeeper writes these numbers for everyone on the scorecard
  • The player to the dealer's left starts the game by laying down one of his/her cards
    • The hand is won by the highest card in that suit or by the highest trump card
    • If a player has a card in the played suit, they MUST play a card of that suit
    • If a player does NOT have a card of that suit, they can play any other card OR a trump card
  • The person that wins that hand takes the cards
    • The scorekeeper marks down that the player won the hand
  • The player that wins the hand starts the next hand and play continues until everyone is out of cards
  • Scores are kept, subtotaled, and play moves to the next round.


  • If a player gets exactly the number of hands they said they would in a round, they score one point for each hand they won, and 10 points for meeting their goal.
  • If a player does not get exactly the number of hands they said they would, they score only one point for each hand they won
  • The player with the most points at the end of the 10 rounds wins.