
The Chairs of the scientific and organising committee for the 7th International Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services (Barcellona, 5-6 Semptember 2019) award the Second Best Paper Award to the paper entitled “Judicial efficiency and budget constraint: A Directional Distance Function approach to lead a key policy reform”. The authors of the paper are: Greta Falavigna and Roberto Ippoliti.

Member of the Editorial Board (Scientific Committee) of Working Paper of Public Health [ISSN 2279-9761]. It is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal published by PAGEPress®, Pavia, Italy. (, until April 30 2019

Responsible of CNR-Ceris research line “Complex and non-parametric models for the analysis of firm” (2009 year)

Proponent and Convenor (with V. Moiso) of Track 18 of the 5th STS Conference “A matter of design. Making society throughscience and technology”, Polytechnic of Milan, 12-14/06/2014. (Track 18:  The design of the ethical and sustainable product: devices and practices of the economy “other”)

Expert on the subject of Corporate Governance (SECS-P/08), University of Eastern Piedmont "A. Avogadro", Novara, Italy

Expert on the subject of Managerial Economics (SECS-P/06), School of Management of Turin.

Qualification for teaching and linked registration to the  register of scholars and external exsperts of the Polytechnic of Turin for teaching (SSD: ING-IND35; SECS-P/01; SECS-P/02;  SECS-P/06; SECS-P/07; SECS-P/08)