Invited speaker

24 February 2022

Presentation at the seminar “Intelligenza Artificiale e Machine Learning: Paradigmi, Applicazioni e Sviluppi per la Ricerca e l’Industria”, CNR, Roma 

18-19 Maggio 2017

Presentation at the “Second International Syncope Workshop. Syncope acute first assessment: what do we know? What do we need to know? How are we going to find it? – data and expertise sharing to solve clinical dilemmas”, Palermo, Italia.

Contribution: Neural Networks for Syncope Risk Stratication

26-27 September 2013

Presentation at the “First International Workshop on Syncope Risk Stratification in the Emergency Department”, Gargnano (BS), Italia

Contribution: Artificial Neural Networks. Tool for addressing syncope (with Casagranda I., Costantino G. and Ippoliti R.)