Summer schools and other activities

15-16 November 2018

XVIth Italian Conference of Stata Users and Course on AN INTRODUCTION ON MACHINE LEARNING IN STATA, T.Stat, Firenze

15-16 November 2018

XVth Italian Conference of Stata Users and Course on JOINT MODELLING OF LONGITUDINAL AND SURVIVAL DATA, T.Stat, Bologna

From 03/April/2017 to 26/June/2017

University Training Course “eU-maps: il modello integrato di Euro-progettazione e project management, per progettare, gestire e rendicontare i fondi europei – VALORE PA” organized by the Department of “management and Law” of the University of Roma “Tor Vergata” (60 hours of training and 3 workgrouè days, 10 CFU)


Summer school del progetto “Il rosa e il grigio”, Castello di Pavone, Ivrea


R course organized by Torino R-net: Introductionary Course e Spatial Data Analysis, Asti

03/06-07/06 June 2013

Summer school in “Epidemiology and Public Health”, data analysis with STATA12.0, TStat, CNR-Ceris, Roma

May 2013

Course of MySQL and RDBMS management, Area di ricerca CNR, Torino (24 ore di corso)

Course of R-statistics, Area di ricerca CNR, Torino (40 ore di corso)

May 2012

Course in “Probability Models for Customer-Base Analysis”, Alma Graduate School, University of Bologna

May 2011

Course in Sensitivity Analysis, Ceris-CNR, Rome, Italy

November 2010

Course in “Agent-Based Simulations with Laboratory for Simulation Development – LSD”, Ceris-CNR, Rome, Italy

April 2010

Joomla CMS course, Turin

31 August – 4 Semptember 2009

EASSS’09: European Agent Systems Summer School, Turin


English course at British Institute (60 hours)

7-11 July 2008

Summer School in “Advanced Quantitative methods: Applied Multivariate Data Analysis, Bootstrapping and Productivity/Efficiency Measurement”, University of Pisa, School of Engineering, Italy. 

October-February 2006/2007

English course at British Institute 

5-14 September 2005

Econometrics course, CIdE, Palermo, Italy

October 2004-May 2005

Swarm Seminary, Prof. Terna, University of Turin, Faculty of economics, Torino, Italy

September-December 2004

Course in “Computer science and simulations for economics”, Prof. Terna, University of Turin, Faculty of Economics, Torino, Italy

11-17 September 2004

Summer School in “Corporate Finance and Financial Markets”, Bressanone, Italy

December 2002

European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), University of Eastern Piedmont "A. Avogadro", Novara, Italy


Informatics course at FOR.Al, Casale Monferrato (AL), Italy