
Letters relating to the dispute with the Donaldson-Hudsons over ownership of Goldstone Common and the Manor of Goldstone

Correspondence that survives includes letters between Hugh Ernest Vardon, Thomas Beeston and Gordon Warren, transcriptions of which are copied below. Gordon was Hugh's brother-in-law and worked as a partner of the law firm in Market Drayton that later became known as Warren Upton & Garside.

The Thomas Beeston to whom Hugh Ernest Vardon wrote was the son of Thomas Beeston who was agent to William Vardon, and who had lived at Goldstone Hall itself. The younger Thomas lived in Market Drayton and appears to have continued his father's role acting for the Vardons. Hugh was William Vardon's nephew, the son of William's younger brother Hugh James Vardon.

11th September 1885

Transcript of a letter from Hugh Ernest Vardon to Thomas Beeston. This letter is enclosed in a pack that has, on the outside, a heading reading:

11 Sept 1885

Thos. Beeston

Hollins Rent last of Balce Paid




re Goldstone Common.

Giving Beeston authority to take action in case of Trespass &c.


Copy of authority

Astbury, Ewell

Surrey. 26 Decr 1895

Dear Sir

Replying to that part of your letter of the 24th relating to Goldstone Common Gravel Pit, I am obliged by the information therein given – as having seen the reports of the Rural District Council meetings in the Local Paper, I had rather expected to have heard from you on the subject. I may here mention that I am Lord of the Manor of Goldstone and my predecessors were so before

Believe me

Yours faithfully

Hugh E. Vardon

Thos Beeston, Esqr.

6th June 1896

Transcript of a letter from (George) Gordon Warren, solicitor, who was brother-in-law to Hugh Ernest Vardon.

Poynton House

Market Drayton

June 6. 1896

My dear Hugh

Your letter duly received I have no doubt that you are correct that your shooting use of Goldstone Common would be strong evidence to repeel a “non user”

Yours sincerely

Geo Gordon Warren

H. E. Vardon


