
Edward Hayward's Notice to the Canal

Proprietors, dated 14th July 1827

The Canal had come to Goldstone, and with it a need for materials to construct it. The Notice below was served on the Company of Canal Proprietors who had been extracting what is referred to as stone solid measure from one of the fields on Goldstone Bank Farm, without it seems having paid Edward Hayward for it.

14th July 1827

Dated 1827

Edwd Hayward Esq

To The Compy of Canal


Notice for getting


21st July 1827

Served a True Copy

On Mr. Pravise


Wm Lockley

Take Notice that I hereby require from you Payment of Two Pence for every foot of stone solid measure which you already have or hereafter shall take or cause to be taken from and out of a certain Close or Field called Bank Field situate at Goldstone Bank in the Parish of Cheswardine in the County of Salop now in the tenure and occupation of Mr. Daniel Lea the same being my property and that in case of your non compliance I shall proceed against you for satisfaction under the Directions of a certain Act of Parliament intitled “An Act for making a navigable Canal from the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal in the Parish of Tettenhall in the County of Stafford to the United Navigation of the Ellesmere and Chester Canals in the Parish of Acton in the County Palatine of Chester” Dated this 14th Day of July 1827.

To the Company of &

Proprietors of the

Birmingham and Liverpool

Junction Canal Navigation


[signed] Edwd. Hayward