
Indenture dated 13th November 1733 between Edward Goldstone & Edward Pegg

This indenture was drawn up between Edward Goldstone of the City of London, son of Edward Goldstone of Goldstone (who was son of Lawrence Goldstone of Goldstone) and Edward Pegg. The two men were second cousins and brothers-in-law, Edward Pegg having married Edward Goldstone's sister Jane in 1718. Edward Goldstone's father, Edward, had sold the Manor & Lordship of Goldstone to Pegg in 1720, but the younger Edward had not been a signatory to that although his elder brother Francis Goldstone had been. It could be that the indenture of 1733 was drawn up to tie up what may have been loose ends from the 1720 sale, to avoid any residual claim that Edward Goldstone may have had on the estate. Alternatively, Edward may have still held land in Goldstone and this indenture meant that Pegg, who may have been managing Goldstone's estate, now took it into his possession.

Edward used a seal identical to the one his father had used on the 1720 manuscript that had sold Goldstone Manor & Lordship to Pegg. In the absence of a scan of the 1733 seal, the one shown below has been added for illustrative purposes and is a copy of a scan of the 1720 seal.

[Reference in Edward Hayward’s papers]:-

No. 37



Edward Goldstone


Edward Pegg




This Indenture made the thirteenth day of November Anno Dom 1733 and in the seventh year of the Reign of George the Second King over great Brittain – Between Edward Goldstone of the City of London Gent. (son of Edward Goldstone of Goldstone in the County of Salop Gent. Deceased) of the one part & Edward Pegg of Goldstone aforesd of the other part. Wittnesseth that ye said Edward Goldstone of ye City of London Gent for divers good causes & considerations him thereunto moving Hath remised released & for ever quitt claimes & by these presents for himself & his heirs doth fully clearly & absolutely remiss release & for ever quitt claim unto ye said Edward Pegg All that Capital Messuage Mansion House or Tenement with the appurtenances in Goldstone aforesd now in ye holding or occupation of Thomas Brisbourne, John Addison & Robert Walford & all houses barnes stables buildings gardens orchards & barksides thereunto appertaining & also all those several Closes inclosures meadows & pieces of Ground hereinafter particularly named (that is to say) The Hampbutt & two Crofts adjoining to it ye Lower Yard now divided & Little Meadow called ye Llong (or Slang) Meadow adjoining ye Moss Corner & Moss Meadow ye Wet Moss & Dry Moss & ye Moss adjoining to it (formerly in lease to Richard Stockdale [-------?]) ye Smithy Croft & Two Butts ye Lower part of ye Black Flatt ye Narrow Flatt & Two little Meadows adjoyning to it. And also all that Tenement Land & Premises called ye Heath Tenement now in the holding of William Fox & all those several closes meadows & pieces of ground called ye Two Blakely Birches formerly divided ye rough leasow divided ye Great Meadow ye Upper part of ye Black Flatt & ye Leasow adjoyning to it Two Closes called ye Loas now in the lease to John Mullinone of Hinstock in ye sd County of Salop Tryners Moor now in the lease to John Sponder of Sowdley in ye said County of Salop ye Brooke Croft in lease to Arthur Broadmore late of Drayton in Hales in ye sd County of Salop [dend--?] & one Cottage Garden & premises now in the possession of Margaret Harris wid[ow]. All which premises are situate lying & being in Goldstone aforesaid & all ways, waters, [----?], easements commons profits commodities liberties priveledges Hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to ye sd Capital Messuage Mansion House, Tenements & Cottage, lands tenements hereditaments & premises above mentioned with all & singular their appurtenances & ye reversion & reversions remainder & remainders thereof & all Rents, Services & Profitts to ye said premises or any part thereof incident or belonging & all ye Estate Right Title also[use?] interest property inheritance possession Reversion Claim & demand of him ye sd Edward Goldstone of in or to ye sd premises To have and to hold the sd Capital Messuage, Mansion House, Tenements & Cottage, lands Tenements Hereditaments & premises with their apputenances unto ye sd Edward Pegg his heirs & assigns for ever so ye neither ye sd Edward Goldstone nor his heirs nor any other person or persons for him or them shall or will by any way or means hereafter have claime challenge or demand any Estate Right Title or interest of in or ye aforesd premises or any part or parcel thereof. In Witness whereof the sd Edward Goldstone hath sett & putt his hand & seal ye day & year first above written

[signed] Edw d Goldstone

Sealed & delievered (on

[----?] sixpenny stamp’d

Paper) in ye Presence of

Thomas Morras

Thomas Brisbourne
