Staff Social Media Policies


Social Media accounts listed under the name of the Gibson County Memorial Library will always contain a profile picture of the Library logo/branding and a cover picture that clearly represents the Library. The Gibson County Memorial Library currently uses the following social media:

The following specified employees have the authority to post content to a social media account under the name Gibson County Memorial Library: Director, Assistant Director and Youth Services Librarian. The Library Director will have the authority and control to determine the administrators of these media accounts.

All administrators will be trained on access and monitoring of the social media accounts, the basics of each social media platform, what is considered an appropriate post, and on how to contact the individual responsible social media accounts. If an administrator leaves the library’s employment, that individual’s access will be revoked on all social media accounts.

One administrator must check active social media accounts at least once per day. This task can be completed from the following devices:

Block Procedures

The Gibson County Memorial Library reserves the right to block individual users on a social media account if:

Only the Director or social media account administrator(s) have the authority to block a user. When a user is blocked, an email will be sent to the Director and administrator(s).

Copyright & Privacy Protection

The Gibson County Memorial Library will always attempt to follow copyright, fair use and invasion of privacy laws.

The Gibson County Memorial Library will require employees to receive consent through expressed, implied or oral consent at each program event.

The library requires parents/guardians of minors to fill out, sign and date a consent release form. Completing the consent release is optional. If an individual refuses to complete the release form, then no media can be produced using any content related to the said individual. During large programs, if a release consent is not signed, the individual will be asked to sit on the outskirts (out of photo range).

Employee Personal Social Media Use

An employee who violates the above personal policies will then be disciplined as defined in the personnel policies.