Patron Social Media Policies

Definition of Social Media:

Social Media is defined as any web application, site or account created and maintained by the Gibson County Memorial Library. These include, but are not limited to, the library website, Facebook & Instagram.


The purpose of the social media policy is to ensure the effective promotion of library services, resources, programs and events to the public.

Usage Rules:

The Gibson County Memorial Library welcomes the comments, posts and messages of the community. The Library recognizes and respects differences in opinions. These comments, posts and messages will be periodically reviewed, and the Gibson County Memorial Library reserves the right to remove any comment, post or message that it deems inappropriate or off topic.

When posting to a Gibson County Memorial Library media site, the user shall have no expectation of privacy and consent to the Library’s right to access, monitor and read any postings. Users must understand that social media is permanent, retrievable and public.

The Gibson County Memorial Library reserves the right to ban or block users who have posted in violation of this policy. In addition, users are expected to abide by the terms and conditions set by third party social media platforms as well as follow appropriate Federal and State Laws. The Library asks that individual user complaints be addressed directly to the Library Administration so they can be addressed quickly and specifically. Social Media is not the mechanism used by the Library to document or address Library user problems and concerns.

Copyright & Privacy Protection:

The Gibson County Memorial Library will always attempt to follow copyright, fair use, and invasion of privacy laws.

The Gibson County Memorial Library will require employees to receive consent through expressed, implied or oral consent at each program event.

**The Library requires parents/guardians of minors to fill out, sign and date a consent release form. Completing the consent release is optional. If an individual refuses to complete the release form, then no media can be produced using any content related to the said individual. During large programs, if a release consent is not signed, the individual will be asked to sit on the outskirts (out of photo range).**