GCML Foundation

Charlotte Halford - Chairman 

Lindsey Gilles - Library Director 

Bailey Hinson - President

Dr. Beverly Youree - Secretary

Kathi Burris - Treasurer 

Stacey Lancaster - Assistant Library Director 

Jane Benthall

Nancy Wallace

Mack Zarecor 

Vickie Sorrells 

Sandy Moss

John Alexander

Shaula Alexander 

Carole Bauguss 

Eric Egbert 

Bett Jewell

GCML Foundation Board Members and Officers

Pictured from left to right (Front Row): Kathi Burris, Jane Benthall, Shaula Alexander, Charlotte Halford, Vickie Sorrells, Bailey Hinson

(Back Row): Carole Baugus, Nancy Wallace, Mack Zarecor, John Alexander, Dr. Beverly Youree, Sandy Moss, Eric Egbert 

Not Pictured: Bett Jewel

GCML Foundation Officers

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Beverly Youree, Charlotte Halford, Kathi Burris, Lindsey Gilles, Bailey Hinson

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