Discussion 3: Injury Health States ("GBD Sequelae") definitions

Please note that the pages on this website do not reflect the methods that were used to generate the final set of results for the GBD-2010 study, which was published in December 2012.

-- If you are interested in the methods or results of GBD-2010 and subsequent revisions, please visit the official website of IHME's GBD project (http://www.healthdata.org/gbd). The materials described on the website are now obsolete but these webpages have been retained as an internet archive of the work of the group.

-- Please visit the website www.globalburdenofinjuries.org to find out more about other closely related collaborations of our group members.

Status of discussion: closed

Lead authors: James Harrison (james.harrison@flinders.edu.au)

Additional authors: Wendy Watson, Maria Segui-Gomez, Jed Blore, Belinda Gabbe, Fred Rivara, Saeid Shahraz, Phil Edwards, Pablo Perel

Lurking members: Lois Fingerhut , Tim Driscoll, and Kavi Bhalla

Issue: GBD 'disability weights' are required for the estimation of YLD. The reliability of existing weights for injury has been questioned. A most important aspect of the GBD 2005 project is the production of a new set of weights. Expert groups, including the injury group, are able to contribute to this sub-project by advising on the categories for which weights should be provided (ie the list of GBD 2005 'sequelae' and by providing definitions for these. The definitions will be used in the study to generate weights: they will be the basis for the descriptions of conditions that will be used by study subjects to compare hypothetical states. This page documents the development of this work.


  • August 30-31st 2008: James Harrison produced an example health state (GBD "sequelae") description for spinal cord injury. James Harrison, Wendy Watson, Jed Blore and Maria Segui-Gomez met at the Gold Coast meeting and produced several others.
  • Sept 2 2008: James sent the first draft set of health state (GBD "sequelae") descriptions to Theo Vos, the leader of GBD-Cluster C (see the cover note, GBD-InjurySequelaeDescriptionsOverview.doc). Descriptions were included for the following sequelae: finger amputation, thumb amputation, burns (20-60), eye injury, radius/ulna fracture, hip fracture, hip joint dislocation, large joint dislocation, poisoning, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury (see attached word files and excel files).
  • Oct 21 2008: The health states were discussed at the meeting of injury expert group members at the World Bank.
  • Dec 5 2008: Several rounds of revisions since then have focused on (1) settling on categories, (2) preparing "lay descriptions" of these that are in keeping with project requirements for the field studies that wil generate new GBD "disability weights"; and (3) specifying the states in terms of ICD codes (revisions 9 and 10). This information has been summarized in a pair of large tables. The current version (5 December 2008) was submitted to Theo Vos for transmission to the Core Team. As outlined in the cover notes to this version of the states, there is some - but limited - opportunity for further changes.
  • Jan 20 2009 :Several other health state descriptions have been added. A few are still in production but this topic is now closed for discussion. Comments, reactions, and feedback should be sent to James Harrison (james.harrison@flinders.edu.au).
  • March 26th 2009: A new GBD "sequelae" definitions table has been added which lists GBD nature of injury groupings in terms of both ICD10 and ICD9. This table has also been converted to mappings for data extraction.
Discussion 3 GBD-InjurySe...riptionsOverview2008Dec10

Important Note: Although this topic is closed, these documents will possible evolve over the next few weeks. Please contact James Harrison (james.harrison@flinders.edu.au) prior to putting them to any use.

Last Update: March 27 2009