
Every year, the Garden Gate PTA conducts various programs that enrich our students and build a friendly and caring atmosphere within our school. All these programs need the incredible support of the parent and community volunteers like you.

Even a few hours of your time can make a tremendous difference. You do not have to be a PTA member to volunteer.

Please reach out to the PTA board or any of the program coordinators if you have any questions.

Ways to Get Involved

Volunteer in your child's classroom

Be a room rep or a Project Cornerstone volunteer and see the difference you make! You can also team up with another parent and do it together!

Volunteer at an event

This is a great way to get involved for as little or as much as you can. Check our PTA calendar for upcoming events. The school will send out sign-up sheets prior to the event to request for volunteers. We hope to see you there!

Serve on the PTA Board

The board is a friendly and supportive group of parent volunteers, teachers and staff. Consider joining the board to ensure the Garden Gate PTA continues to thrive and create many enrichment opportunities for our children.

If you wish to be on our volunteer database, please fill out the form below and we will contact you as events come up. No pressure to participate - you can choose to decline for whatever reason.