Project Cornerstone

Educating students involves more than providing academic learning opportunities. At Garden Gate, we also implement the Project Cornerstone ABC (Asset Building Champion) program in the classrooms, aimed to strengthen developmental assets in children. Developmental assets are building blocks that kids need to grow to become happy, responsible, and successful adults. With Project Cornerstone ABC, we want to help build the caring Garden Gate community that kids thrive in.

Parents take an active role with the school in helping children develop the assets they will need to be successful. Once a month, the Project Cornerstone ABC volunteers will go into a class and read an asset building story book, conduct discussion, and do reinforcing activities. They teach kids social skills for problem solving, peaceful conflict resolution, and developing positive and caring friendships. Self esteem and personal power, as well as a responsible, goal oriented attitude are also stressed.

Training and support for parent volunteers is provided. We have a total of 8 books, a book for each month. Parent volunteers are asked to commit to the entire school year and to attend a monthly meeting to discuss the current lesson.

As this school year (2020 - 2021) starts online, so will the Project Cornerstone ABC program.

Please consider joining this important program to make a difference in your child’s life. Old and new volunteers alike are welcome and greatly appreciated!

For more details, please contact