Particles to Spline

Making particle Trail

each particle from different emitter(point) should have attributes.

Particles are better to emit every frame with $NPT

make group by partition and the attribute

  • partition Rule = particles`point(opinputpath(".",0),$PT,"parentId",0)

add add

  • check Delete Geometry but keep points
  • Polygons by Group = particles*, add = Each Group Separately

add Resample if you need.

Fake Motion Bulr

needs to cache out the particle simulation at first.

add trail

add add

  • check Delete Geometry but keep points
  • Polygons by attribute = id

If you want to edit length, use resample

  • check Resample by polygon edge
  • method = Even Length Segments
  • uncheck Maximum Segment Length
  • check maximum Segments
  • set 2 (if you want cut the line half)

add UVTexture

  • Texture Type = Rows and Columns
  • Apply to Point Texture

add Delete to delete back point

  • $MAPU == 1

If you have Camera move, add inverted Camera Transform before and camera transform after this.