Expressions by Python

Basically be able to be used bellow command

  • hou.hscriptExpression(' ')

Hscript Equivalents

  • $FF = frame()
  • $F = intFrame()
  • $T = time()
  • ch() = hou.node('obj/node/node').parm("px").eval()
  • the animation functions are the same between pythin and hscript

Local Variable Equivalent in Python

  • $PT: lvar("PT") or pwd().curPoint().number()
  • $NPT: lvar("NPT") or len(pwd().geometry().iterPoints())
  • $PR: lvar("PR") or pwd().curPrim().number()
  • $NPR: lvar("NPR") or len(pwd().geometry().iterPrims())
  • $VTX: avar("VTX") or pwd().curVertex().number()
  • $NVTX: lvar("NVTX") or pwd().curPrim().numVertices()
  • $TX: lvar("TX") or pwd().curPoint().position()[0]
  • $CR: lvar("CR") or pwd().curPoint.attribValue("Cd")[0] (or curPrim)
  • $ID: lvar("ID") or pwd().curPoint.attribValue("id")