Encyclopaedia Britannica

Did you know that our library members can access the authoritative Britannica Library? Yes, even during a lockdown period library members are able to use this world famous reference source for assignments and for answering reference questions.

Library members simply go to http://prolib.fs.gov.za/ , and click on the Britannica Online logo:

On the next screen, your Library Membership Number and surname are entered. Then a link to access Britannica will appear on the screen.

More about Britannica Library:

Britannica is the world's most trusted first-stop for authoritative reference material. More than 12 million people around the globe turn to Britannica Online for complete, reliable coverage of nearly every subject in an advertising-free research and learning environment. Britannica provides access to over 100,000 comprehensive articles, many written by Nobel Prize winners and other leading authorities. Plus, it's loaded with multimedia, maps, and more!

Developed specifically for libraries, the new Britannica Library provides access to three sites in one, with age appropriate material from the child-friendly collection through to the adult general reference collection. Now students of all ages will find it easy to conduct research, complete homework assignments and work on special projects.

Can I copy or reuse the content in my own work?

All Britannica content is royalty-free and cleared for copyright on the condition that it is being used for an educational, non-commercial purpose.

You may not remove or alter any copyright, trademark, service mark or other legends or proprietary notices.