Open Access / Free* e-Journals

*NOTE: Some publications in these lists are not Open Access, but all are free (no subscription fee for e-access)


On the Internet you can search for free articles (of various journals)

in free access collections (databases) like the following: 

African Journals Online (AJOL) [Open Access Category]: 

  (There are over 260 Open Access journals hosted on the AJOL website.)

Sabinet Open Access Journals: 


AOSIS scholarly journals:     [Search Page -- can search according to scholarly discipline/collection]

(To access a specific journal title, go to ).



Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAR):


JSTOR Open Access journals section: 

    Search page: 

SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) SA: 


  (A repository for preprints devoted to the rapid dissemination of scholarly research in the social sciences, humanities, life sciences

          health sciences, physical sciences and applied sciences. Includes "Browse eLibrary" and "Search within" options.)

AfricArXiv Preprints:

  (Aims to increase discoverability of African research. Launchedin 2018 in partnership with the Center for Open Science. In 2023 AfricArXiv was 

           established as a central repository at UbuntuNet Alliance For Research & Education Networking.)


  (A curated research-sharing platform open to anyone. As a pioneer in digital open access, now hosts more than two million scholarly articles

         in eight subject areas, curated by their strong community of volunteer moderators.).

     Subject categories:

CiteSeerX : 

 ("CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that has focused primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge. Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeerx attempts to provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries. CiteSeerx has developed new methods and algorithms to index PostScript and PDF research articles on the Web.")


  (Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform. Their research journals are community-driven 

         and peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 202,000 top researchers. Approximately 186 journals (new titles are continuously added).

         Featuring pioneering technology, artificial intelligence, and rigorous quality standards, their research articles have been viewed more than 

        1.9 billion times).

        Subject categories:

MDPI Open Access Journals:   

  (MDPI currently publishes 408 open access journals, including 399 peer-reviewed journals and 9 conference journals which are dedicated 

          to publishing outputs from academic conferences).

        Subject categories:

Internet Archive SCHOLAR:   

  (This fulltext search index includes over 25 million research articles and other scholarly documents preserved in the Internet Archive. 

         The collection spans from digitized copies of eighteenth century journals through the latest Open Access conference proceedings and 

         pre-prints crawled from the World Wide Web.)

Africa Portal research library:

  ("A research repository and an expert analysis hub on African affairs." Free access to research reports, occasional papers and policy briefs.)

Browser extensions:

Free web browser tools automatically checks for free versions of a journal article. 


  (When you open a web page of a journal article during a web search, Unpaywall automatically

           checks for and indicates free versions of the article. "It's fast, free, and legal."        

             Note: The indication is done with a pop-up icon.)

Journal TITLES:

Here are some categorised journal titles (alphabetically arranged in each category)

NOTE: Some publications in these lists are not Open Access, but all have free content (no subscription fee for e-access)

Contents (categories):

NOTE: Please scroll down to see the Journals listed under each of the above categories.

Public Administration & Management (and related)

Journal Titles

See Also the "Political Science (and related)" category


Our library is subscribed to Sabinet African Journals, which has many additional public administration-related journals. For details on how to access those journals (which require login), please see 

Administratio Publica

(Administratio Publica (ISSN 1015-4833) is a peer-reviewed journal accredited with the South African Department of Higher Education and Training, produced four times a year and aims to promote academic scholarship in public administration and management and related fields.)


Africa Journal of Public Sector Development and Governance 

(The journal investigates a broad spectrum of matters and issues related to governance, development, policy research and implementation, leadership and management in the public sector in Africa. The journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles, discussion papers, policy papers, interviews with eminent persons, and book reviews on major issues related to public sector development and governance in Africa.)

African Journal of Governance and Development

(This biannual, peer-reviewed journal aims at providing space for sharing and debating issues of social, political and economic development not only for academic consumption, but also for policy consideration.) 

 African Journal of Public Affairs (AJPA) 

(A quarterly journal issued on behalf of the African Consortium of Public Administration [in South Africa]. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, review articles, case studies, exemplar profiles, viewpoints and research results from practitioners of all grades and professions, academics and other specialists on the broad spectrum of administrative concerns regarding local, national, regional and international affairs.) and


African Public Procurement Law Journal  

(Publishes articles and notes reporting original research on public procurement policy, law, regulation and development, relevant to Africa, as well as book reviews.)    

Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review (APSDPR)

(A peer-reviewed journal, aimed at the promotion and sharing of knowledge, skills and innovations in government and the wider Public Sector environment in South Africa and abroad. With a multi-disciplinary outlook, the journal will stimulate service delivery and scholarly debate with a view to addressing myriads of service delivery and performance challenges being faced in government. The journal aims at providing an innovative approach to Monitoring and Evaluation scholarship through independent monitoring of implementable interventions around public service delivery and its expected outcomes. It thus envisages a role towards the turning point in bridging the gaps that exist between Public Service Delivery and the envisaged “trickle down effects” on the targeted beneficiaries.) 

Articles are invited in three broad themes: 

1. Public Policy, Planning, and Performance Monitoring & Evaluation

2. Africa's Development Cooperation (incl. Poverty & inequality, Agriculture, Food Security, Climate)

3. Regional Economic Integration (incl. Africa's Peace & Security Studies, Africa's Economic Development, African Union & Regional Economic Communities).  

Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance

(A peer-reviewed journal that aims to strengthen the research voice of local government in the Commonwealth by providing a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in local government ideas and practices. Its overall focus is upon improving local governance and supporting local government as an agent of development.)

Journal of Local Government Research and Innovation (JOLGRI)

(Seeks to publish and foster knowledge development in educational, epistemological and practice advancements within local government that will result in alternative models practised in local government service delivery and governance.)  

Journal of Management & Administration

(A dynamic academic journal that is published by the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA), who strives to be responsive to the evolving education and training needs of developing economies.) 


Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs

(The journal’s contents encompasses research on national philosophies, comparative politics, international relations and, a diverse array of systems of governance, both political and economic.)

Local Government Bulletin

(This is a regular and long standing publication of the Dullah Omar Institute at the University of the Western Cape. The Bulletin publishes "short, accessible articles related to local government in South Africa and the region ... [e.g.] practical summaries of new Bills, reports on judgments that affect municipalities, updates of new policies and programmes and incisive analysis by ... editors and brilliant young writers at the Dullah Omar Institute.") 


The Public Sector Manager

(reports on management innovations and best practices within the public sector)


Review of Public Administration and Management

(Aims to publish the most exciting research on Public Administration and Management, and to provide the articles freely for research, teaching and reference purposes.) 


Service Delivery Review (SDR)

(“A learning journal for the Public Service”)  


Archaeology & Palaeo-sciences

Journal Titles:

     See Also the "Science, Technnology & Engineering" category.


(An accredited, open-access journal that seeks to promote knowledge of natural and cultural heritage by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific research. Previously known as Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Indago is published annually for the National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Manuscripts relevant to all topics of the natural and social sciences in Africa are accepted, including but not limited to botany, zoology, palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology, history, fine arts.)

Southern African Field Archaeology (a.k.a. FIELD)

(A non-profit, open-access journal currently funded by the Palaeo-Research Institute, University of Johannesburg, and the Wenner-Gren Foundation. The journal will publish one volume annually and aims to communicate basic data, findings, syntheses and opinions about all aspects and periods of southern and/or sub-Saharan African archaeology, the palaeo-sciences, and heritage collections and management, to professional archaeologists, heritage practitioners, students, governing authorities and the public. It therefore serves everybody concerned with field and laboratory research, methods development, experimentation, data analysis and the interpretation of the archaeological and palaeo-science records, as well as with collections and heritage management pertaining to the sub-continent.)    


SEE: Economic & Management...

Communication Studies

Journal Titles:

The African Journal of Information and Communication (AJIC) 

(The AJIC was established in 2000, and is published by the LINK Centre, University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg. It is a peer-reviewed, open access academic journal accredited by the DHET. The AJIC is interdisciplinary, publishing submissions that explore the myriad dimensions of electronic and digital ecosystems that facilitate information, communication, innovation and transformation in African economies and in the broader Global South.) 

Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa

(This is is a non-profit, open-access journal that facilitates scholarly discussion on communication phenomena in Africa and how these are in conversation with other regions. Communicare is in existence since 1980, published biannually by the School of Communication, University of Johannesburg. Communicare publishes original articles in a broad spectrum of communication sub- and related disciplines, including organisational communication, strategic communication, marketing communication, corporate communication, development communication, social change, political communication, gender communication, postcolonial studies, identity politics and politics of everyday life, celebrity studies, visual communication, internet studies, gaming, digital communication, digital media, film studies, media studies, cultural studies, popular culture, and journalism.)    

Communitas: critical views on society, culture and politics

(An accredited journal by the University of the Free State, with scientific articles in the context of Community Communication, Information Impact and related disciplines, including Corporate and Marketing Communication, Media Studies and Journalism.) 

Computer Science: 

SEE: Information & Communications Technology (ICT)


SEE: Security...


Journal Titles:

See Also the "Economic..." category; the "Environmental" category and the "Humanities..." category.

Development Engineering: The Journal of Engineering in Economic Development

(An open access, interdisciplinary journal applying engineering and economic research to the problems of poverty. Published studies must present novel research motivated by a specific global development problem. The journal serves as a bridge between engineers, economists, and other scientists involved in research on human, social, and economic development. Although the journal focuses on quantitative, scientific approaches, it is intended to be suitable for a wider audience of development practitioners and policy makers, with evidence that can be used to improve decision-making.)  

Development Studies Research (DSR)

DSR is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform to further debates on development studies and development issues. DSR is intended for both academics and practitioners, including policymakers. It aims to examine issues in all areas of development and across the globe – with a particular, but not exclusive, focus on low- and middle-income countries. DSR has examined numerous development issues including: 

 Indigenous struggles Aid effectiveness Small-scale farming for poverty reduction Sustainable entrepreneurship Agricultural development Climate risk

 The resource curse and paradox of plenty.)    

Interdisciplinary Journal of Rural & Community Studies (IJRCS)

(IJRS is a double-blind peer-reviewed "open access" journal published by the University of the Free State. It was established in early 2019 under the name "Journal of Education Research and Rural Community Development" which has since been re-constructed into two separate journals: the "Interdisciplinary Journal of Rural and Community Studies (IJRCS)", and the "Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Research (IJER)". The predominant focus of IJRCS is to publish articles that contribute to the sustainable development of the disadvantaged towards emancipation and self-reliance. IJRCS invites empirical studies, conceptual and theoretical opinions, book reviews, reviews of relevant literature, and commentaries.)      

International Journal of Development and Sustainability (IJDS)

(IJDS is a peer-reviewed open access journal, published as the official journal of the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan. The journal scope covers all aspects of the environmental, economic, social, and cultural sustainability including land resources, water resources, energy, agriculture, marine resources, ecology, environmental protection, health risks, education, human relations, labor, social policy, corporate responsibility, law, governance, urban planning, transportation, products and services, management, marketing and financial development, economic development, technological development, and international cooperation and relations.)     

Journal of Economic Perspectives (JEP) 

(The JEP aims to bridge the gap between the general interest business and financial press and standard academic journals of economics. The journal publishes articles that will serve several goals: to synthesize and integrate lessons learned from active lines of economic research; to provide economic analysis of public policy issues; to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas among the fields of thinking; to offer readers an accessible source for state-of-the-art economic thinking; to suggest directions for future research; to provide insights and readings for classroom use; and to address issues relating to the economics profession. ...  All issues of the Journal of Economic Perspectives are publicly accessible online at no charge, compliments of the American Economic Association.)    

Journal of Rural and Community Development (JRCD)

(The JRCD is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes development research on and in rural and small town areas around the world. We do not charge authors for publication in the JRCD.)   

Markets, Globalization & Development Review (MGDR) 

(This peer-reviewed, open access online journal is the official journal of the International Society of Markets and Development (ISMD). The journal title's three concepts (‘Markets’, ‘Globalization’ and ‘Development’) represent contested arenas of major intellectual and ideological ideas of our times, arenas in which battles for preferences and policies are waged. The editors encourage contributions that explore these intersecting concepts, and especially those that (while not ignoring it) go beyond the over-emphasized economic dimension, incorporating broader social, political, cultural, and ecological aspects in furthering our understanding of human development.)    

Digital Studies 

SEE: Information & Communications Technology (ICT)

Economic & Management Sciences

Journal Titles:


                  ►  Free Management Library

See Also the "Development" category and the "Transport & Supply Chain Management" category.

African Journal of Business Ethics

(The official journal of the Business Ethics Network of Africa (BEN-Africa Aims to contribute to the expansion of business ethics as an academic field in Africa. Towards this end, the main focus is on stories from Africa and about Africa. This focus includes not only the contextual or the material, but also the philosophical.)   

African Journal of Career Development 

(This is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research relating to career development predominantly in Africa, but also to career development elsewhere in the world. The core aim of the AJCD is to facilitate the reporting of research related to promoting sustainable decent work for all.)   

African Public Procurement Law Journal  

(Publishes articles and notes reporting original research on public procurement policy, law, regulation and development, relevant to Africa, as well as book reviews.)    

The Behavioral Economics Guide  

(The annually published Behavioral Economics Guide is the leading annual publication dedicated to behavioral economics and behavioral insights. Each edition features contributions from renowned scholars in the behavioral sciences and practitioners from around the globe.) 

Circular Economy and Sustainability 

(This an international peer‐reviewed journal that presents a forum for experts such as management scientists, engineers, natural scientists, decision makers, entrepreneurs, economists, social and political scientists, and industry experts to discuss in a systematic way the concepts of Circular Economy (CE) and Sustainability (S), in order to bring to the forefront a new and interdisciplinary approach of these two concepts. The journal’s aim is to promote the innovation process from technological solutions to economic, social and environmental solutions in the context of circular economy and sustainability.)

Econ Journal Watch: Scholarly Comments on Academic Economics  

("EJW welcomes submissions of Comments on articles that appear in economics journals. Published since 2004, as of 2019 EJW appears twice yearly, in March and September. EJW also welcomes essays, reflections, and investigations that speak to the nature and character of economics research and professional economists. ... EJW is an outlet for pointed, constructive criticism of professional economics. Articles appearing in EJW frequently apply theories of failure—market, government, organizational, intellectual, moral—to the practices and institutions of economists.") 


(Econ3x3 is an independent forum for critical public debate on unemployment and employment, income distri­bution and inclu­sive growth in South Africa. It publishes accessible research based contribu­tions and expert commentaries. The forum encourages debate on an inte­grated and consistent policy response to unemployment, inequality and poverty and a stronger engagement between research and policy making.)     

Economic History of Developing Regions

(This journal of the Economic History Society of Southern Africa "promotes the study of economic change in the developing South, including Africa, Asia and Latin America". It provides an innovative research forum that explores the influence of historical events on economic development in these regions.) 

International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences (IJCEAS)

(The IJCEAS is an interdisciplinary open access journal, centered on Economics and Administrative Sciences. Biannual, peer-reviewed. Addresses both applied and theoretical issues in the field.)     

International Journal of Development and Sustainability (IJDS)

(IJDS is a peer-reviewed open access journal, published as the official journal of the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan. The journal scope covers all aspects of the environmental, economic, social, and cultural sustainability including land resources, water resources, energy, agriculture, marine resources, ecology, environmental protection, health risks, education, human relations, labor, social policy, corporate responsibility, law, governance, urban planning, transportation, products and services, management, marketing and financial development, economic development, technological development, and international cooperation and relations.)   

Journal of Economics and Development

(An international peer-reviewed journal addressing the issues of economics and development in the context of sustainable development in developing countries.)      

Journal of Entrepreneurial Innovations (JEI)

(A free-access, free to publish online journal that is published by the School of Business & Finance (SBF) at the University of the Western Cape. The JEI specialises in publishing research and analyses pertaining to entrepreneurship trends and particularly innovations in the small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMMEs). The coverage include numerous disciplines that affect SMMEs and entrepreneurship. This includes accounting, finance, general management, leadership, microfinance, entrepreneurship, small business management, management information systems, business law, marketing, project management, poverty alleviation, sustainable development, and ethics, among others.)     

Markets, Globalization & Development Review (MGDR) 

(This peer-reviewed, open access online journal is the official journal of the International Society of Markets and Development (ISMD). The journal title's three concepts (‘Markets’, ‘Globalization’ and ‘Development’) represent contested arenas of major intellectual and ideological ideas of our times, arenas in which battles for preferences and policies are waged. The editors encourage contributions that explore these intersecting concepts, and especially those that (while not ignoring it) go beyond the over-emphasized economic dimension, incorporating broader social, political, cultural, and ecological aspects in furthering our understanding of human development.)     

New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy  

(Flagship publication of the Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA). New Agenda aims to bring solid, policy-relevant research to the public in an accessible and intelligible form. The journal carries research, opinions and interviews that focus on South African political and economic issues as well as those from the African continent more broadly. It also carries relevant international news, book reviews and is in the process of developing public discourse and knowledge on alternative economics.)  

The New Economics Zine  

("This zine isn’t designed to be the usual thinktank academic journal. We’ve got articles from youth climate strikers, seasoned economists, organisers and campaigners.")  


(The official journal of the Operations Research Society of South Africa (ORSSA). Published biannually. Popular ORiON Publication Topics/Subjects include:

Arrival processes, queuing theory and applications Assignment, allocation and timetabling problems Conflict resolution and multi-criteria decision analysis Data mining, forecasting, statistical analysis and applications Decision support and decision making Demand, logistics and supply chain analysis Elections, government and development Financial investments, risk analysis and portfolio optimization Graph & network theory and applications Inventory control theory and management Knapsack, packing and cutting problems Mathematical (linear, nonlinear, integer, goal, dynamic) programming Natural resource management and conservation ecology Philosophy, history, marketing and teaching of OR Production management and project scheduling Reliability, repairability and availability Theoretical and computer simulation Transportation networks, vehicle routing and variations of the TSP.)     

South African Journal of Business Management

(The official journal of the University of Stellenbosch Business School. Publishes articles that have real significance for management theory and practice.)    

South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences

(Interdisciplinary research in the economic and management sciences. High quality academic articles that contribute to a better understanding of the interaction between economic, environmental and social areas as applicable to the African management environment. A publication of the University of Pretoria.)    

The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

(Provides a communication forum to advance entrepreneurship, innovation, small business management and family business theory, as well as the application thereof in practice. A publication of the University of Pretoria.)    

Education & Training

Journal Titles:

African Journal of Career Development 

(This is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research relating to career development predominantly in Africa, but also to career development elsewhere in the world. The core aim of the AJCD is to facilitate the reporting of research related to promoting sustainable decent work for all.)    

African Journal of Teacher Education and Development (AJOTED) 

(This journal serve as a forum for scholars engaged in teachers' preparation and continuing professional development from primary to secondary education level. AJOTED seek to publish evidence from rigorous research and investigation that identify and address issues confronting teacher education and development in the different education systems in Africa or from other countries with relevance to Africa. These issues include but are not limited to preparing teachers to effectively address the needs of marginalized youth from poor communities, their families, and communities; program design and impact; selection, recruitment, and retention of teachers; local and national policy; accountability; routes to professional registration; and maintenance of competence. Within the fields of teacher education and development; research can focus on intellectual development; motivational development; procedural development; productivity improvement; role development; cultural development; management and leadership; professionalism; teacher morale; job satisfaction and motivation; communication; psychological/personal development; theoretical ideas and teaching suggestions; professional development initiatives for teachers in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.)    

Education For Change 

(This is an accredited, peer-reviewed scholarly online journal that publishes original articles reflecting critically on issues of equality in education and on the ways in which educational practices contribute to transformation in non-formal, formal and informal contexts. All sectors of education are covered in the journal. These include primary, secondary and tertiary education, adult education, worker education, educational policy and teacher education.)      

Educor Multidisciplinary Journal

(The EMJ is a blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary academic journal that draws from various disciplines to gain a broad understanding, a well-developed perspective or to discover something new. It brings diverse academic disciplines together to discuss and view issues from each of their perspectives. The journal is the official academic journal of the Educor group of companies. Due to the variety and scope of academic offerings in the Educor group, the journal is generalist in nature as the focus is multidisciplinary.)     

The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning

(An accredited, education focused journal published by The Independent Institute of Education. The aim of the journal is to make a difference to educators at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Providing a scholarly forum for academics and education practitioners to share research on teaching and learning. The journal's focus is increasingly on applied teaching and learning from both the private and public sectors.)    

Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Research (IJER)

(IJER is a double-blind peer-reviewed "open access" journal published by the University of the Free State. It was established in early 2019 under the name "Journal of Education Research and Rural Community Development" which has since been re-constructed into two separate journals: the Interdisciplinary Journal of Rural and Community Studies (IJRCS), and the "Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Research (IJER)". The purpose of IJER is to disseminate high-level interdisciplinary research results and content beyond learning, teaching and research.)     

Journal of Decolonising Disciplines

(The journal examines the relationality between higher education and society, revealing their dialectical relationship. It provides an intellectually unique space for considering responsive and cutting-edge research across all disciplines, and centres higher education and its role in transforming and developing society. The Journal is dedicated to the theoretical development of decoloniality and Indigeneity in higher education and is constituted as a space that fosters and facilitates the decolonisation of all disciplines through rigorous intellectual work in the context of South Africa, Africa and globally.)       

Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training

(The journal publishes articles on all aspects of teaching and learning within vocational education and adult education settings. It promotes new knowledge as well as reflective practice. Within the field there is substantive ‘grey literature’ that remains in project report form. The journal is potentially a vehicle for the translation of this important work into an academic contribution to a wider community of practice.)    

Perspectives in Education

(A professional, peer-reviewed journal that encourages the submission of previously unpublished articles on contemporary educational issues. As a journal that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, it seeks to stimulate debate on a wide range of topics.)      


(A peer-reviewed, open access, accredited journal that provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners in teaching and learning, particularly in higher education, in the areas of open, distance and e-learning; online learning; digital technology; and flexible education to publish their articles. The journal is read by researchers, leaders, managers, policy makers and practitioners in specialist distance education institutions, as well as those using flexible learning and digital educational technologies in conventional contact institutions.)      

Reading & Writing: Journal of the Reading Association of South Africa

(An open access, peer reviewed inter-disciplinary and inter-professional scholarly journal that explores how literacy is defined, enacted and promoted in a range of institutional, socio-cultural and disciplinary contexts, particularly within Africa and other developing countries. The aim is to design literacy practices in education to stimulate community based socio-economic transformation and development in Africa.) 

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South (SOTL) 

(An online open source and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fostering dialogue and research on teaching and learning in higher education in the global South, or about the global South.)    

South African Journal of Childhood Education

(This is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of research in childhood learning and development and the care and education of children from birth to 12 years. The journal is interdisciplinary in scope and seeks to stimulate the exchange of ideas in a variety of subjects, contexts and issues in childhood education and childcare. Topics/Subjects include:

   Numeracy and mathematics learning and pedagogy Children’s development of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts

   Language and literacy learning and its pedagogy Childhood play and children’s ‘design thinking’ Care and education for vulnerable children 

   Teacher education and development for primary school and early childhood development (ECD).)    

South African Journal of Education

(Official journal of the Education Association of South Africa. A dissemination platform for research in the field of education, focusing on yet not limited to education in emerging economy societies like South Africa. Besides a focus on empirical inquiry into education in contexts of high inequality, resource constraints, socio-economic need and multiple diversities, SAJE also strives to include knowledge on social and other innovations indicative of adaptation that can leverage diversity in mediating the effect of chronic and cumulative adversity.)     

South African Journal of Higher Education

(This independent, fully accredited publication is a medium for articles of interest to researchers and practitioners in higher education, and provides a focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world . The Journal is interdisciplinary in approach, and its purpose is to provide institutions of higher education and professional readers with scholarly information on major innovations in higher education, research projects and trends.)     

TETFLE (Teacher Education through Flexible Learning in Africa) Journal

(A refereed, open-access e-journal that publishes original research on distance teacher education in Africa. Aims to create a platform for researchers and practitioners on glocal matters that relate to distance teacher education on the continent. Publications cover issues of content, pedagogical consideration, technology and management in distance education.      

Transformation in Higher Education 

(This annual, peer-reviewed journal was launched in 2016 to address questions concerning higher education and its rapidly changing nature, not only in the South African context, but also engaging with the internationalisation of the higher education discourse. The focus is on transdisciplinary engagements that address contemporary issues in higher education contexts. Conceptual-philosophical and empirical works addressing matters that could lead to the intellectual advancement in higher education as discipline and context are also published.)    

Environmental (incl. Sustainability)

Journal Titles:

See Also the "Development" category

African Birdlife [archival section]

(African Birdlife is a bi-monthly magazine and includes well-written articles and stunning photographs of our continent’s birds. It is an important mouthpiece for BirdLife South Africa to create awareness about bird research and conservation work. The African Birdlife archive enables you to find full text articles that have been published in the magazine from its inception up to two years from the current date. Articles are free to view and you are welcome to download the pdfs, but please do respect copyright restrictions.)   

Bothalia - African Biodiversity & Conservation

[NOTE: This journal ceased publication in July 2021.]

(Published by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). Aims to disseminate, to a wide audience, knowledge, information and innovative approaches that promote and enhance the wise use and management of biodiversity in order to sustain the systems and species that support and benefit the people of Africa.)   

Circular Economy and Sustainability 

(This an international peer‐reviewed journal that presents a forum for experts such as management scientists, engineers, natural scientists, decision makers, entrepreneurs, economists, social and political scientists, and industry experts to discuss in a systematic way the concepts of Circular Economy (CE) and Sustainability (S), in order to bring to the forefront a new and interdisciplinary approach of these two concepts. The journal’s aim is to promote the innovation process from technological solutions to economic, social and environmental solutions in the context of circular economy and sustainability.)  

Clean Air Journal

(Official journal of the National Association for Clean Air. It is a peer-reviewed journal for those interested in air quality, air quality management, and the impacts of air pollution relevant to Africa. The focus of the journal includes, but is not limited to:

   Impacts of human activities and natural processes on ambient air quality Air quality and climate change linkages Air pollution mitigation technologies and 

   applications Matters of public policy regarding air quality management Measurement and analysis of ambient and indoor air pollution Atmospheric 

   modelling application and development Atmospheric emissions Other topics on atmospheric physics or chemistry with particular relevance to Africa.)    


(An online, open-access, solutions-oriented platform dedicated to advancing dialogue on sustainable development. Its global scope provides an interdisciplinary space to identify and develop innovative solutions to the quandaries facing us today and those that will emerge in the future.)   


(Previously known as National Museum News, this is a popular magazine with articles written by Museum staff members on topics related to the Museum.)   

The Ecological Citizen

(An independent, peer-reviewed, free-to-access journal that provides a forum for inspiring and mobilizing discussion with an Earth-centred perspective. Content is published online and grouped into issues on an approximately twice-yearly basis.)   


(An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all aspects of ecology published quarterly online by MDPI.)   

Environmental Systems Research 

(The journal publishes high-quality, interdisciplinary and refereed research papers, review and comment articles, and topical collections on all aspects of environmental systems, incl. water (terrestrial and marine), air, soil and biota. The journal aims to advance and apply scientific knowledge and practical methods to improve our understanding of environmental and sustainability issues and support evidence-based policy making and eco-friendly practice at regional or global scales.)  


(An international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal of environmental sciences published monthly online by MDPI.)    

Frontiers Sustainability [collection with about 10 different journal titles]

(Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform globally. Their research journals are community-driven and

peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 202,000 top researchers. They currently have about 10 journal titles in their Sustainability category.    


(An accredited, open-access journal that seeks to promote knowledge of natural and cultural heritage by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific research. Previously known as Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Indago is published annually for the National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Manuscripts relevant to all topics of the natural and social sciences in Africa are accepted, including but not limited to botany, zoology, palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology, history, fine arts.)

Journal of Digital Food, Energy & Water Systems (JD-FEWS)   

(A peer reviewed bi-annual publication that publishes recent and innovative deployment of emerging digital technologies in Food, Energy and Water Systems. Food, energy and water resources are interconnected scarce resources that require systems and technologies that will foster their sustainable management and effective utilization. The journal is also interested in articles that explore the nexus between at least two of these resources. The journal considers the following topics as long as they are deployed in the Food, Energy & Water space:

   Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Algorithm development Artificial Intelligence Blockchain and distributed ledger technology Case studies 

   ■ Cybersecurity Data mining & Big data  Human-Computer Interaction Intelligent Forecasting Internet of Things Machine Learning 

   ■ Mathematical Optimization Robotics System architectures Wireless Sensor Networks .)  

South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE)  

(A peer-reviewed publication of the South African Society for Agricultural Extension (SASAE), which was published for the first time in 1966. The journal publishes scientific articles on extension and the extension profession, as well as rural development.) 


(An international, cross-disciplinary, scholarly, peer-reviewed and open access journal of environmental, cultural, economic, and social sustainability of human beings. It provides an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development, and is published semimonthly online by MDPI. Companion journals for Sustainability include: World, Sustainable Chemistry, Conservation, Future Transportation, Architecture, Standards, Merits and Wind)  

Water Wheel

(A two-monthly magazine on water and water research published by the South African Water Research Commission (WRC), a statutory organisation established in 1971 by Act of Parliament.)  

Water SA

(Water SA publishes refereed, original work in all branches of water science, technology, engineering and policy. This includes: water resource development; the hydrological cycle; surface hydrology; geohydrology, hydropedology and hydrometeorology; limnology; freshwater and estuarine ecology; salinisation; treatment and management of municipal and industrial water and wastewater; treatment and disposal of sewage sludge; environmental pollution control; environmental and drinking water quality; drinking water treatment; water services, including domestic water supply and sanitation services; agricultural water; aquaculture in terms of its impact on the water resource; water policy and governance; water economics; water as a social good.)  


("World is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on past, present, and future links between economic, political, social, and/or environmental issues, published quarterly online by MDPI. World serves as a scholarly forum and source of information on local, regional, national, and international trends, challenges, and opportunities relating to sustainability, adaptation, and the 4th Industrial Revolution.")


Journal Titles:


SEE ALSO:  ►  AOSIS Health & Medical Sciences collection

                        MDPI journals in Public Health & Healthcare 

                       ►  Useful Links at the Health Systems Trust  

                       ►  MED BOX Aid Library

                       ►  The Free Library Health Publications (mostly journals)

African Journal of Health Professions Education (AJHPE)

(The AJHPE is a bi-annual journal for health professionals. It carries research articles and letters, editorials, education practice, personal opinion and other topics related to education for health professionals. It also carries related African education-related news, obituaries, general correspondence, and classified advertisements.)   

African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine

(This is the official journal of the South African Thoracic Society. The journal accepts submissions relating to both clinical and basic research in the Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery fields as well as state-of-the-art reviews on any topic related to the scope of the journal.)    

African Urology

(An open access, peer reviewed and multilingual journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of urological disorders. The journal considers manuscripts in the following broad subject-specific sections of urology:

 Endourology and technology;  Urological oncology;  Paediatric urology;  Reconstructive urology;  Urological imaging;  Sexual function and fertility;    Epidemiology and health outcomes; Pre-clinical and basic research;  Voiding dysfunction;  Uro-gynaecology;  Renal transplantation;  Case reports;   Points of Technique.) 


ARC Medical Sciences Journals

(ARC Publications aims to provide a podium for scientists, students, academics and engineers all over the world to promote, share, and discuss new research and developments in different areas of medical sciences. Current titles include the following fields: 

 AnesthesiologyCancer ScienceCardiologyClinical Case ReportDental ScienceDermatology;    Diabetes & Endocrinology; Forensic ScienceGynecology & ObstetricsNeuroscienceNursing & HealthcareNutrition & Growth;   Orthopedics;   Pediatrics;   Public Health & Community Medicine;   Surgery;   Urology.)  

BMC (BioMedCentral) 

("BMC has an evolving portfolio of some 300 peer-reviewed journals, sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering and medicine. In 1999 we made high quality research open to everyone who needed to access it – and in making the open access model sustainable, we changed the world of academic publishing. Our leading research journals include selective titles such as BMC Biology, BMC MedicineGenome Biology and Genome Medicine, academic journals such as Journal of Hematology & Oncology, Malaria Journal and Microbiome, and the BMC series, 65 inclusive journals focused on the needs of individual research communities. BMC also partners with leading institutions and societies to publish journals on their behalf.")    

CME : Your SA Journal of CPD

[NOTE: This journal ceased publication in 2013. It is continued by the South African Medical Journal.]

(CME was the leading medical Continuing Professional Education (CPD) journal in South Africa. It was written by South African experts for South African doctors. Each edition had a major medical theme e.g. diabetes, trauma, etc.)    

Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology

(This is the official journal of the Allergy Society of South Africa and is produced as a service to understanding and communication in the field of allergy.)   

Free Medical Journals [website]

(This website is dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical journals over the Internet. Links to more than 5 000 journals are grouped according to 90 medical topics.)   

Frontiers Health

(Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform globally. Their research journals are community-driven and

peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 202,000 top researchers. They have about 43 journals in their Health category (new titles are continuously added).   

JAMA Network Open

(This is  is a monthly open access medical journal published by the American Medical Association covering all aspects of the biomedical sciences. It was established in 2018. "Explore the latest research in hypertension, diabetes, stroke, dementia, machine learning, and more all completely free and open access.")    

PubMed Central® (PMC)

(A free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). Available to the public online since 2000, PMC was developed and is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at NLM.) 

SA Heart Journal

(Official publication of the South African Heart Association, the professional association of cardiologists and cardio-thoracic surgeons in SA. The Journal publishes peer reviewed articles dealing with cardiovascular disease, including original research, topical reviews, state-of-the-art papers and viewpoints.)  



South African Health Review

(An accredited peer-reviewed journal of critical analysis and commentary by specialists on key issues relating to health systems policy and practice.  Containing South African perspectives on health policy developments and their implementation, as well as monitored changes and challenges in the provision of equitable and accessible health care in the country, the Review has gained increasing prestige as an authoritative and comprehensive resource.)     


South African Journal of Child Health

(The SAJCH is a medical child health journal. It carries research articles and letters, editorials, clinical practice and other child health articles and personal opinion, South Africa health-related news, obituaries, general correspondence, and classified advertisements.)    

South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition

(The Journal has a broad interpretation of the field of nutrition and recognizes that there are many factors that determine nutritional status and that need to be the subject of scientific investigation and reported in the Journal. The Journal seeks to serve a broad readership and to provide information that will be useful to the scientific community, the academic community, government and non-government stakeholders in the nutrition field, policy makers and industry. Articles are in the fields of dietetics, food, nutrition and related areas.)     

South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

(The journal provides a vehicle for the publication of news, editorials and original research in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, with particular emphasis on South African conditions.)      

South African Medical Journal (SAMJ)

(The SAMJ is a monthly, peer-reviewed, internationally indexed, general medical journal publishing leading research impacting clinical care in Africa.  The Journal is not limited to articles that have ‘general medical content’, but is intending to capture the spectrum of medical and health sciences, grouped by relevance to the country’s burden of disease. This will include research in the social sciences and economics that is relevant to the medical issues around our burden of disease.)  

Southern African Journal of Critical Care

(The official journal of the Critical Care Society and is sent to the members of CCS, intensive care nurses, paramedics and medical practitioners.)     

Southern African Journal of Gynaecological Oncology

(The official journal of the South African Society of Gynaecologic Oncology (SASGO). The Journal is based in South Africa but is also a regional journal for Southern Africa and the African continent. It focusing on all aspects of cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment and aims to serve a broad readership: the clinical, scientific and academic community, policy makers, government and non-government stakeholders and industry.)    

Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases

(Under the auspices of the Federation of Infectious Diseases Societies of South Africa (FIDSSA), this journal publishes topics on all aspects of infectious diseases, particularly those of importance to the FIDSSA societies. Topics around infection include clinical and epidemiological aspects of communicable diseases, laboratory diagnosis of infections, characterisation of infective agents by molecular techniques and the study of transmission patterns of pathogens in institutional and community settings. Other infection related studies cover surveillance of vaccine-controllable and other infectious diseases, drug susceptibility patterns of hospital-acquired and community-acquired pathogens and infection control strategies for the southern Africa region. )  


Southern African Journal of Public Health incorporating Strengthening Health Systems

(This Journal aims to bridge the divides between academia, policy and implementation in health systems intervention and reform. The journal is committed to addressing the 5/95 publications gap for health systems research, a term coined by the WHO-based Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research to describe the imbalance between numbers of health systems research papers from developing countries compared to developed nations.)   

Wits Journal of Clinical Medicine 

(The Wits Journal of Clinical Medicine is a peer-reviewed scientific research journal published tri-annually, and was established to provide a forum to showcase scientific research from the School of Clinical Medicine at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and from the Clinical Medicine Departments in other institutions in South Africa and internationally. The journal particularly aims to provide an opportunity for emerging researchers to publish their work and wants to be the primary diffusion portal for clinical medical scientists from Southern Africa.)  

Humanities & Social Sciences

Journal Titles:

See Also the "Interdisciplinary & Miscellaneous" category.

Acta Academica: journal for community communication and information impact

(An accredited, bi-annual journal by the by the University of the Free State, dedicated to scholarship in the humanities. It promotes the perspectives of critical social theory and engagements with postcolonial and post-developmental debates with special reference to (Southern) Africa.)  

Clinical Sociology Review

(A peer-reviewed and open-access journal, publishes – in English, French and Spanish – research articles, essays, historical pieces, reviews, and teaching as well as practice notes.  Clinical sociology is a creative, interdisciplinary, humanistic and rights-based field that focuses on analysis and intervention to improve all our lives and the planet.)   

Communitas: critical views on society, culture and politics

(An accredited journal by the by the University of the Free State, with scientific articles in the context of Community Communication, Information Impact and related disciplines, including Corporate and Marketing Communication, Media Studies and Journalism.)   

Contemporary Journal of African Studies

(A peer-reviewed scholarly journal appearing twice a year. Published by the Institute of African Studies in Ghana.)  

Frontiers Humanities & Social Science [about 10 journals]

(Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform globally. Their research journals are community-driven and

peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 202,000 top researchers. They currently have about 10 journal titles in their Humanities & Social Science category.   

HSRC Review

(The quarterly news magazine of the Human Science Research Council of South Africa, providing informative summaries of their research.)  


(An accredited, open-access journal that seeks to promote knowledge of natural and cultural heritage by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific research. Previously known as Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Indago is published annually for the National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Manuscripts relevant to all topics of the natural and social sciences in Africa are accepted, including but not limited to botany, zoology, palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology, history, fine arts.)

Interdisciplinary Journal of Sociality Studies (IJSS) 

(IJSS is a double-blind peer-reviewed "open access" journal published by the University of the Free State. IJSS is an internationally referred double-blind peer-reviewed "open access" journal that encourages empirical, conceptual and theoretical opinions on social-related issues. IJSS provides a platform for academics, practitioners, and social development experts to publish their intellectual works. IJSS focuses on social-related issues, social interpretations, and emancipation of socially disadvantaged groups, which contributes to creating a socially just, rights and humanity-based context.)   

Journal of Child and Youth Care Work

(“The journal contains material that embraces the formally defined field of Child and Youth Care Work.  The scope is early childhood (care and education), school age (in-school and after school), infant and toddler (care and mental health), adolescence (home, school, community), young adulthood, families, intergenerational, and life course.  Special focus is on relationships and a wide variety of developmental and therapeutic interventions in line with the competencies of the child and youth work field (”)  

Journal of Youth Development

(“An open-source, peer-reviewed, quarterly online publication dedicated to advancing youth development practice and research. JYD serves applied researchers and evaluators as well as practitioners who work in youth-serving organizations or the intermediaries that support them.”)  

Litnet Akademies : 'n Joernaal vir die Geesteswetenskappe, Natuurwetenskappe, Regte en Godsdienswetenskappe

('n Geakkrediteerde akademiese aanlynjoernaal met Afrikaanse portuurbeoordeelde navorsingsartikels, gepubliseer op die LitNet webwerf. Die artikels is volkome geïntegreer met die LitNet-hiperteksomgewing, aangesien die akademiese artikels wat hier geskakel word, aangevul word deur LitNet-onderhoude, videogrepe op LitNet se YouTube-kanaal, aanlyndebatte op LitNet se SeminaarKamer en resensie-essays in die “Boeke en skrywers” afdeling.)     


New Contree

(A “platform for instilling and disseminating specific and comparative local and regional history debate in Africa and its value in broader (transnational) contexts. ... Aims to publish high-quality academic articles that address research on the history of regions and localities in Southern Africa in particular, but also in Africa and other parts of the world, especially from a comparative angle. ... New Contree is a double-blind peer-reviewed "open access" journal.) 

Sage Open

("Publishes peer-reviewed, original research and review articles in an open access format. Articles may span the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities. Sage Open seeks to be the world’s premier open access outlet for academic research.") 

Social Work / Maatskaplike Werk

(An academic, peer-reviewed journal which is quarterly published by the Dept. of Social Work, Stellenbosch University. Features articles, book reviews and commentaries from all fields of social work. Topics include social work, welfare organizations, society, social welfare, family and child care, community work, substance abuse, substance dependence, welfare law, etc.)   

Transformation : Critical perspectives on Southern Africa

[NOTE: Only older issues of this journal are available for free (currently up to about 2017 issues).]

(An established journal serving as a forum for analysis and debate about South African society in transition, as well as the surrounding region, and the global context that affects southern African developments.)     

Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe

(An accredited Afrikaans publication – with English summaries - that focuses on publishing original research and review articles in the fields of theology, languages, art and culture, social, economic and educational sciences, as well as book reviews, chronicles and poems.)   


Information & Communications Technology (I.C.T.)

Journal Titles:

     See Also the "Communication Studies" and the "Science, Technology & Engineering" category

Digital Policy Studies

(An open-access, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal focused on the empirical, critical and intersectoral study of subjects related to digital policy and the fourth industrial revolution, cybersecurity, the digitalisation of politics, the digital economy, information and communication technology, the convergence of technology and society, new media and related topics. The Journal publishes research articles, review articles and policy commentary in designated sections.

Published by the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg.)   

Journal of Digital Food, Energy & Water Systems (JD-FEWS)   

(A peer reviewed bi-annual publication that publishes recent and innovative deployment of emerging digital technologies in Food, Energy and Water Systems. Food, energy and water resources are interconnected scarce resources that require systems and technologies that will foster their sustainable management and effective utilization. The journal is also interested in articles that explore the nexus between at least two of these resources. The journal considers the following topics as long as they are deployed in the Food, Energy & Water space:

   Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Algorithm development Artificial Intelligence Blockchain and distributed ledger technology Case studies 

   ■ Cybersecurity Data mining & Big data  Human-Computer Interaction Intelligent Forecasting Internet of Things Machine Learning 

   ■ Mathematical Optimization Robotics System architectures Wireless Sensor Networks .)  

Information Science & Library Science

Journal Titles:

     See Also the "Communication Studies" and the "Science, Technology & Engineering" category

SEE ALSO:  ►  LIS-related Open Access Journals (LIASA's extensive list)

                     ►  Open Access Week (LIASA / library perspective)

The African Journal of Information and Communication (AJIC) 

(The AJIC was established in 2000, and is published by the LINK Centre, University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg. It is a peer-reviewed, open access academic journal accredited by the DHET. The AJIC is interdisciplinary, publishing submissions that explore the myriad dimensions of electronic and digital ecosystems that facilitate information, communication, innovation and transformation in African economies and in the broader Global South.) 

E-LIS (E-prints for Library and Information Science) 

(E-LIS is an international open access archive for e-prints related to Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related application disciplines. The purpose of E-LIS archive is to make full text LIS documents visible, accessible, harvestable, searchable, and useable by any potential user with access to the Internet. Definition: "E-prints" are "the digital texts of peer-reviewed research articles, before and after the referee process. E-prints include pre-prints and postprints.")  

Journal of the Medical Library Association [in the U.S.A.]

(“A peer-reviewed journal that aims to advance the knowledgebase and practice of health sciences librarianship.”) 

Reading & Writing: Journal of the Reading Association of South Africa

(An open access, peer reviewed inter-disciplinary and inter-professional scholarly journal that explores how literacy is defined, enacted and promoted in a range of institutional, socio-cultural and disciplinary contexts, particularly within Africa and other developing countries. The aim is to design literacy practices in education to stimulate community based socio-economic transformation and development in Africa.) 

South African Journal of Information Management

(Aims to publish high quality, peer reviewed articles four times a year in numbered issues. Disciplines included are, inter alia, Knowledge management, Record management, Strategic management, Information economy, Records management, Information systems management, Data mining, Data warehousing, Relevant applications of information technology.)    


South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science

(The journal seeks to embrace a wide range of practical and research components, including information and research literacy, information management, children's literature, ethics, globalization, impact of the digital divide, technology, scholarly communication, open scholarship, indigenous knowledge systems, etc. The objective is to serve and reflect the interests of the South Africa LIS community across the spectrum of its wide-ranging activities and research. In addition to formal scholarly articles, the editors will solicit articles on issues of practice and controversial matters as they arise. It is intended to actively encourage young writers, researchers and practitioners to share their experiences and findings so that all aspects of research, teaching, thinking and practice are brought together.

The primary target audience is the LIS and related research communities, inclusive of academics and scholars (nationally and internationally), practising information professionals as well as policy makers (including government officials.)      


Infrastructure (incl. Planning & Construction)

Journal Titles:

     See Also the "Science, Technology & Engineering" category

Acta Structilia

(An accredited journal by the by the University of the Free State, with scholarly articles in the physical and development sciences, i.e. architecture, quantity surveying, construction management and project management, building economy, engineering and property development.) 

Development Engineering: The Journal of Engineering in Economic Development

(An open access, interdisciplinary journal applying engineering and economic research to the problems of poverty. Published studies must present novel research motivated by a specific global development problem. The journal serves as a bridge between engineers, economists, and other scientists involved in research on human, social, and economic development. Although the journal focuses on quantitative, scientific approaches, it is intended to be suitable for a wider audience of development practitioners and policy makers, with evidence that can be used to improve decision-making.)  

Frontiers in Built Environment 

(This multidisciplinary open-access journal publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research across the area of civil engineering, within and beyond urban spaces. The main focus is on the development of smart and sustainable methodologies for the design, construction and management of resilient buildings and infrastructure. This includes Damage-tolerant resilient infrastructure and buildings, Sustainable design and construction, Green building, Structural health monitoring and disaster prevention, Smart cities, Computer simulation and data science for innovative design and construction, and more.)  

Journal of Construction and Business Management

(A bi-annual journal by the Construction Business and Management Research Group of the University of Cape Town. It aims to explore the experience of construction industry stakeholders and trends in the global system.) 

Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation

(The journal covers the following topics, although it is not limited to these: Construction project management; Project management; Design and construction management processes; Housing and infrastructure development; Stakeholder management; Project planning and project impact assessments; Design and implementation of labour-intensive projects; Procurement management; Management of construction companies; Industry development; Knowledge management in construction; Empowerment of women; Innovation; Project financing; Current and emerging infrastructure issues in developing countries.)  


Journal of Digital Food, Energy & Water Systems (JD-FEWS)   

(A peer reviewed bi-annual publication that publishes recent and innovative deployment of emerging digital technologies in Food, Energy and Water Systems. Food, energy and water resources are interconnected scarce resources that require systems and technologies that will foster their sustainable management and effective utilization. The journal is also interested in articles that explore the nexus between at least two of these resources. The journal considers the following topics as long as they are deployed in the Food, Energy & Water space:

   Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Algorithm development Artificial Intelligence Blockchain and distributed ledger technology Case studies 

   ■ Cybersecurity Data mining & Big data  Human-Computer Interaction Intelligent Forecasting Internet of Things Machine Learning 

   ■ Mathematical Optimization Robotics System architectures Wireless Sensor Networks .)  

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa  

(Topics of particular interest include energy efficiency, modelling, renewable energy, poverty, sustainable development, climate change mitigation, energy security, energy policy, energy governance, markets, technology and innovation. JESA is inter-disciplinary, with contributions accepted from energy studies, and related disciplines including: engineering, economics, sociology, political science, history, geography, public policy, science and technology studies, environmental science, international relations. Multi-disciplinary submissions are particularly welcome.) 

Town and Regional Planning

(An accredited, bi-annual journal by the by the University of the Free State, with research articles about town, urban and regional planning. Authors are requested to write their manuscripts in a manner and style that is intelligible to specialists and non-specialists alike.) 

 [UPSpace research articles in Town and Regional Planning]

(Articles from various academic journals. Note: Although the full text of articles is made available, many are the authors' postprint versions rather than normal open access articles.) 

Water Wheel

(A two-monthly magazine on water and water research published by the South African Water Research Commission (WRC), a statutory organisation established in 1971 by Act of Parliament.)  

Water SA

(Water SA publishes refereed, original work in all branches of water science, technology, engineering and policy. This includes: water resource development; the hydrological cycle; surface hydrology; geohydrology, hydropedology and hydrometeorology; limnology; freshwater and estuarine ecology; salinisation; treatment and management of municipal and industrial water and wastewater; treatment and disposal of sewage sludge; environmental pollution control; environmental and drinking water quality; drinking water treatment; water services, including domestic water supply and sanitation services; agricultural water; aquaculture in terms of its impact on the water resource; water policy and governance; water economics; water as a social good.)   

Interdisciplinary & Miscellaneous

Journal Titles:

SEE ALSO:  ►  The Conversation Africa (Research-based news & analysis.)

African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies  

(Following the gradual departure from mono-disciplinary studies, especially given the fact that interdisciplinarity may be deployed to solve many social problems that a single discipline may find unsolvable, the journal intends to publish a variety of papers from diverse academic disciplines. It aims to explore how different academic foci could be brought together to address society-related issues. The journal publishes articles in the fields of humanities, social sciences as well as science-related studies that could demonstrate interdisciplinary scope from different disciplines.)  


Alternate Horizons  

(A an online writing platform that encourages emerging scholars and students to publish academic style short articles and opinion pieces. This platform looks to encourage students from different fields and backgrounds to critically reflect and  explore themes that are not directly related to their fields. Each month explores a different topic and encourages students of all persuasions to contribute their thoughts.)   

Books & Ideas  

(Books & Ideas is the English-language mirror website of La Vie des Idées, a free online journal which has gained a large readership and established itself in France as a major place for intellectual debate since 2007. Publishes essays, reviews, and interviews on a weekly basis. Emphasizes pluri- and trans-disciplinarity, and embraces all the political and social sciences, with one central concern: offering short, highly readable, and unpublished pieces of outstanding scholarship to the general public. Has a network of correspondents based in Europe, Russia, the Americas, as well as Asia.)    

Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development  

(A multidisciplinary academic journal dedicated to promoting dialogue on sustainable development by bringing students, researchers, professors, and practitioners from a variety of disciplines and geographical regions in direct conversation with each other through an online, academically rigorous medium. Consilience publishes a range of academic material including scholarly articles, opinion pieces, field notes, and photo essays.)  


(Previously known as National Museum News, this is a popular magazine with articles written by Museum staff members on topics related to the Museum.)   


(Curiosity is a print and digital magazine that tells the stories of groundbreaking research through the voices of talented researchers, students and academics at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.) 

Educor Multidisciplinary Journal

(The EMJ is a blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary academic journal that draws from various disciplines to gain a broad understanding, a well-developed perspective or to discover something new. It brings diverse academic disciplines together to discuss and view issues from each of their perspectives. The journal is the official academic journal of the Educor group of companies. Due to the variety and scope of academic offerings in the Educor group, the journal is generalist in nature as the focus is multidisciplinary.)   


("An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal recording qualified entries of which contents should be reliable, objective and established knowledge, and reviews that offer a comprehensive analysis of the extant literature, identifying current gaps or problems.")  


(An accredited, open-access journal that seeks to promote knowledge of natural and cultural heritage by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific research. Previously known as Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Indago is published annually for the National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Manuscripts relevant to all topics of the natural and social sciences in Africa are accepted, including but not limited to botany, zoology, palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology, history, fine arts.)

Journal for New Generation Sciences  

(An interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary journal with two annual editions: July and December. Published by the Central University of Technology, Free State.)  

The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa  

     SEE: TD: the Journal for Transdisciplinary...

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa  

(Topics of particular interest include energy efficiency, modelling, renewable energy, poverty, sustainable development, climate change mitigation, energy security, energy policy, energy governance, markets, technology and innovation. JESA is inter-disciplinary, with contributions accepted from energy studies, and related disciplines including: engineering, economics, sociology, political science, history, geography, public policy, science and technology studies, environmental science, international relations. Multi-disciplinary submissions are particularly welcome.)   


(Koers is an influential, frequently cited, accredited peer reviewed and Open Access journal published since 1935. Koers promotes the development of Christian scholarship/science in all fields of science and publishes original (mainly reflective) research contributions with an integrated worldview as foundation. We provide a platform for authors to engage constructively and critically with Christian scholarly/scientific points of view in all fields of science.)    

Litnet Akademies : 'n Joernaal vir die Geesteswetenskappe, Natuurwetenskappe, Regte en Godsdienswetenskappe

('n Geakkrediteerde akademiese aanlynjoernaal met Afrikaanse portuurbeoordeelde navorsingsartikels, gepubliseer op die LitNet webwerf. Die artikels is volkome geïntegreer met die LitNet-hiperteksomgewing, aangesien die akademiese artikels wat hier geskakel word, aangevul word deur LitNet-onderhoude, videogrepe op LitNet se YouTube-kanaal, aanlyndebatte op LitNet se SeminaarKamer en resensie-essays in die “Boeke en skrywers” afdeling.)     


National Museum Publications

[titles: Culna and Indago]   

New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy  

(Flagship publication of the Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA). New Agenda aims to bring solid, policy-relevant research to the public in an accessible and intelligible form. The journal carries research, opinions and interviews that focus on South African political and economic issues as well as those from the African continent more broadly. It also carries relevant international news, book reviews and is in the process of developing public discourse and knowledge on alternative economics. New Agenda has been in existence for over two decades.)  

SAGE Open 

("Publishes peer-reviewed, original research and review articles in an open access format. Articles may span the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities.")   

TD : The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa  

(Focuses on the humanities and social sciences, but also collaborates in a transdisciplinary manner with the natural sciences.)     


The Thinker : a Pan-African quarterly for thought leaders  

(Africa-centred articles from diverse perspectives, aiming to enrich both knowledge of the continent and of issues impacting the continent. Aims to critically analyse and comment upon the political, economic, social and cultural developments, challenges and opportunities in our continent. Seeks to open up the space for public discourse, the clash of ideas, to stimulate intellectual debate and scientific discourse.)  

Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe

(An accredited Afrikaans publication – with English summaries - that focuses on publishing original research and review articles in the fields of theology, languages, art and culture, social, economic and educational sciences, as well as book reviews, chronicles and poems.)   



("World is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on past, present, and future links between economic, political, social, and/or environmental issues, published quarterly online by MDPI. World serves as a scholarly forum and source of information on local, regional, national, and international trends, challenges, and opportunities relating to sustainability, adaptation, and the 4th Industrial Revolution.")    

Law & Justice

Journal Titles:

     See Also the "Security..." category

African Disability Rights Yearbook 

(A a peer-reviewed journal that is published once a year, since 2013. The Yearbook is arranged in three sections. Section A contains academic articles: Section B consists of country-based research, charting recent developments on disability rights legislation, case law and policy developments in selected African states; and Section C deals with relevant developments in the African Union (AU) and African sub-regional organisations. Published by the University of Pretoria.)    

African Human Rights Law Journal (AHRLJ) 

(A leading peer-reviewed journal focused on human rights related topics of relevance to Africa, Africans and scholars of Africa. The Journal aims to contribute towards strengthening indigenous African scholarship. Since 2001 the Journal has continuously appeared twice a year, in July and December. Published by the University of Pretoria.)   

Constitutional Court Review (CCR) 

(An international journal of record that tracks the work of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. The long essays, replies, articles and case comments use recent decisions to navigate more general currents in the Court’s jurisprudence. The Journal follows a strict double-blind, peer-reviewed editorial process.)    

De Jure 

(A general law journal, accredited by the Department of Higher Education & Training. It publishes original research concerned with the development and dissemination of cutting-edge legal research, both national and international. The scope of the journal is wide and supports legal academics, practitioners and scholars. Published by the University of Pretoria.) 


De Rebus 

(De Rebus is the South African attorneys’ journal, which is published monthly – 11 times a year – by the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA). De Rebus circulates to legal practitioners, candidate legal practitioners, magistrates, prosecutors, judges and a number of subscribers who are interested in the legal fraternity. Its goal is to be an independent and questioning observer of the legal profession. Its editorial content is authoritative, frank and sometimes contentious. It strives to present a comprehensive overview of developments in the legal profession. Above all else, its main goal is to be an educational tool for the profession and to be used for research purposes. The PDF version of De Rebus is available online free of charge to any interested reader.)    

ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa 

(This publication focuses on economic and social rights: the right to education, to have access to land, adequate housing, health care services, sufficient food, water and social security - including social assistance for the poor - and environmental rights. Also includes children's socio-economic rights - basic nutrition, shelter, basic health care services and social services. Published by the Dullah Omar Institute.)    

Journal of Anti-Corruption Law 

(An open-access, peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles, case notes and comments on any issue relevant to corruption in particular and to economic crimes in general. Especially contributions which deal with these issues from a legal, jurisprudential, socio-legal and/or politico-legal perspective. Two numbers are published annually, one in June and another in December. The journal is a project of the Department of Criminal Justice and Procedure in the Faculty of Law at the University of the Western Cape.)    

Law, Democracy and Development (LDD) 

(LDD is the journal of the Faculty of Law at the University of the Western Cape. The journal is peer reviewed, accredited and open access. Its focus is on legal and socio-legal issues relevant to the development challenges facing South Africa and Africa – it is, above all, on nurturing institutions of governance through the promotion of human rights across Africa.) 



(A fully-accredited journal publishing articles on topical legal issues and legal research. Published under the auspices of the Faculty of Law, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.)   

Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 

(This pioneering open access e-journal publishes contributions relevant to development in the South African constitutional state. This means that most contributions will concern some aspect of constitutionalism or the law relating to development. This focus does not limit the content of PER to the South African legal system, since development law and constitutionalism are excellent themes for comparative work and international law. Published by the North-West University.)    

South African Journal of Bioethics and Law (SAJBL)

(SAJBL is an open access, tri-annual, peer reviewed journal that covers matters related to ethics, law, human rights and related matters for the health professions. It carries research articles and letters, editorials, clinical practice, personal opinion and other topics related to biomedical law and human rights issues. It also carries related South African health-related news, obituaries and general correspondence.) 


Speculum Juris 

(An open access, accredited, peer-reviewed law journal published by the Nelson R Mandela School of Law at the University of Fort Hare. The journal publishes a range of well-written, original scholarly works covering a wide range of legal issues of contemporary relevance. It is published in two parts annually.)    


SEE: Economic & Management...

Political Science (and related)

Journal Titles:

African Journal of Political Science

(This is the flagship publication of the African Association of Political Science. It is an open-access and strictly peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the study of the political in all its dimensions and permutations in African and black societies in general. It targets both academic and non-academic readers interested in various perspectives on political questions facing Africa and the black world. It aims to contribute to growing, strengthening and diversifying the studies of political phenomena in every way desirable.) 

Ethics & International Affairs (EIA)

(Published quarterly by Carnegie Council and Cambridge University Press, the aim of EIA is to help close the gap between theory and practice [...]. The journal publishes original articles, essays, and book reviews that integrate rigorous thinking about principles of justice and morality into discussions of practical dilemmas related to current policy developments, global institutional arrangements, and the conduct of important international actors. Scholarship in EIA connects discussions originating in philosophy, religion, and the social sciences with such interests and concerns as the function and design of international organizations and institutions of accountability; arrangements governing trade and the global economy; as well as issues of human rights, the environment, emerging technologies, global public health, and the use of force.       In addition to the quarterly journal, EIA publishes “Online Exclusives,” [website-only content].) 

Journal of BRICS Studies

(A joint initiative of the South African BRICS Think Tank based at the National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, and the BRICS Project in the Department of Politics at the University of Johannesburg. It is dedicated to the publication of academic and policy research that advances "bricsology" as a non-disciplinary area of study.) 

Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs

(The journal’s contents encompasses research on national philosophies, comparative politics, international relations and, a diverse array of systems of governance, both political and economic.)

New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy  

(Flagship publication of the Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA). New Agenda aims to bring solid, policy-relevant research to the public in an accessible and intelligible form. The journal carries research, opinions and interviews that focus on South African political and economic issues as well as those from the African continent more broadly. It also carries relevant international news, book reviews and is in the process of developing public discourse and knowledge on alternative economics. New Agenda has been in existence for over two decades.)  

Strategic Review for Southern Africa 

(An internationally accredited, peer-reviewed, bi-annual journal of the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pretoria. )  

Transformation : Critical perspectives on Southern Africa

[NOTE: Only older issues of this journal are available for free (currently up to about 2017 issues).]

(An established journal serving as a forum for analysis and debate about South African society in transition, as well as the surrounding region, and the global context that affects southern African developments.) 

[UPSpace research articles in Political Science] 

(Articles from various academic journals. Note: Although the full text of articles is made available, many are the authors' postprint versions rather than normal open access articles.)  

Science, Technology & Engineering

Journal Titles:

     See Also the "Archaeology..." category, "Health/Medical" category, and "Infrastructure" category.

SEE ALSO:  ►  SciBraai ("Satisfies SA’s hunger for local, credible science news")

                       ►  Zenodo (A catch-all repository for scientific publications internationally.)

CSIR Science Scope 

(The ScienceScope highlights science and R&D projects undertaken by CSIR scientists, sometimes in partnership with industry and science faculties, and always for socio-economic benefit. Often articles are selected in line with relevant themes, such as energy, health, defence and security, etc, but only articles with a science focus are published. Readers are varied and include decision- and policy-makers, leadership in appropriate government departments, peer-researchers locally and abroad and the informed public with an interest in science.)   


(Previously known as National Museum News, this is a popular magazine with articles written by Museum staff members on topics related to the Museum.) 

engrXiv (Engineering Archive) 

(Dedicated to the dissemination of engineering knowledge quickly and efficiently.)  

Frontiers Engineering [about 25 journal titles]

(Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform globally. Their research journals are community-driven and

peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 202,000 top researchers. They currently have about 25 journal titles in their Engineering category.   

Frontiers Science [about 99 journals]

(Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform globally. Their research journals are community-driven and

peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 202,000 top researchers. They have about 99 journals in their Science category (new titles are continuously added).  


(An accredited, open-access journal that seeks to promote knowledge of natural and cultural heritage by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific research. Previously known as Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Indago is published annually for the National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Manuscripts relevant to all topics of the natural and social sciences in Africa are accepted, including but not limited to botany, zoology, palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology, history, fine arts.)

Journal of Digital Food, Energy & Water Systems (JD-FEWS)   

(A peer reviewed bi-annual publication that publishes recent and innovative deployment of emerging digital technologies in Food, Energy and Water Systems. Food, energy and water resources are interconnected scarce resources that require systems and technologies that will foster their sustainable management and effective utilization. The journal is also interested in articles that explore the nexus between at least two of these resources. The journal considers the following topics as long as they are deployed in the Food, Energy & Water space:

   Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Algorithm development Artificial Intelligence Blockchain and distributed ledger technology Case studies 

   Cybersecurity Data mining & Big data  Human-Computer Interaction Intelligent Forecasting Internet of Things Machine Learning 

   Mathematical Optimization Robotics System architectures Wireless Sensor Networks .)  

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa  

(Topics of particular interest include energy efficiency, modelling, renewable energy, poverty, sustainable development, climate change mitigation, energy security, energy policy, energy governance, markets, technology and innovation. JESA is inter-disciplinary, with contributions accepted from energy studies, and related disciplines including: engineering, economics, sociology, political science, history, geography, public policy, science and technology studies, environmental science, international relations. Multi-disciplinary submissions are particularly welcome.) 

Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship / Bulletin vir Christelike wetenskap

(Koers is an accredited scholarly journal that strives to promote foundational reflection in science.  This includes contemplation of the philosophical presuppositions of scientific disciplines, as well as reflection on the role of worldview in science.) 


(A full-colour, quarterly, popular science magazine aimed specifically at the youth and the general public who have an interest in the sciences. It aims to present the country’s (South Africa’s) foremost scientific work in an accessible form and can be used to support curricula work at various levels and institutions. Quest is distributed to public high schools with science departments, universities, libraries, science centres, government departments, parliamentary committees, embassies, NGOs, TVETs and resource centres. ) 

SAIEE Africa Research Journal  

(The SAIEE Africa Research Journal of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, is an accredited, peer-reviewed, open access research journal published quarterly, covering research in all fields of electrical engineering. It is the only peer-reviewed journal in the local electrical engineering sector in South Africa. The journal was initiated as the Transactions of the SAIEE in 1909 and covers all areas of electrical engineering.)  

South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 

(Publishes articles with the emphasis on research, development and application within the fields of Industrial Engineering and Engineering and Technology Management. In this way, it aims to contribute to the further development of these fields of study and to serve as a vehicle for the effective interchange of knowledge, ideas and experience between the research and training oriented institutions and the application oriented industry.) 


South African Journal of Science 

(An open access, multidisciplinary journal published bimonthly by the Academy of Science of South Africa. Its objective is to promote the visibility and impact of South African and African research by publishing high-quality original research from Africa or on African-relevant issues that will be of interest to readers in any discipline and for the benefit of scholars, educators, the general public and policymakers. It also provides a forum for discussion of news and developments in research and higher education.)


Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 

/ South African Journal of Science and Technology 

(Hierdie tydskrif publiseer bydraes uit enige gebied van die natuurwetenskap en die tegnologie. In Afrikaans en/of Engels.)  

Water Wheel

(A two-monthly magazine on water and water research published by the South African Water Research Commission (WRC), a statutory organisation established in 1971 by Act of Parliament.)  

Water SA

(Water SA publishes refereed, original work in all branches of water science, technology, engineering and policy. This includes: water resource development; the hydrological cycle; surface hydrology; geohydrology, hydropedology and hydrometeorology; limnology; freshwater and estuarine ecology; salinisation; treatment and management of municipal and industrial water and wastewater; treatment and disposal of sewage sludge; environmental pollution control; environmental and drinking water quality; drinking water treatment; water services, including domestic water supply and sanitation services; agricultural water; aquaculture in terms of its impact on the water resource; water policy and governance; water economics; water as a social good.)   

Security (incl. Criminology)

Journal Titles:

     See Also the "Law & Justice" category

Basel Institute on Governance Quick Guide series

(A series of brief introductions to crucial topics in anti-corruption, asset recovery and governance, many available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese..)   

Just Africa

(This is a peer-reviewed academic journal that promotes academic and professional discourse and the publishing of research results on the subject of crime and criminal justice and other crime-related phenomena in the broad Criminological Sciences and applied field of criminal justice. Is co-published with Southern Business School (SBS).)   

SA Crime Quarterly

(Quarterly published by the Institute for Security Studies. Provides concise analysis of developments in crime trends, and the state's response.)  

Stability: International Journal of Security and Development

(Stability connects policymakers, practitioners, academics, and others with timely, peer-reviewed research on a wide range of issues related to security and development, including:

   Armed conflict Sexual violence Weak governance Corruption Organized crime Terrorism Development cooperation Humanitarian intervention

   Peacekeeping Security Sector Reform (SSR)

Stability is particularly dedicated to providing a vehicle for researchers based in fragile, failed and conflict-affected states (FFCAS) to publish their work.)   

Social Sciences: 

SEE: Humanities...

Transport & Supply Chain Management

Journal Titles:

Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (JTSCM) 

(Research and advanced learning articles in the areas of traffic and transportation – incl. operations, policy, & planning - customer service, warehousing, inventory management, procurement, packaging, materials handling, reverse logistics, demand forecasting, distribution communications and information technology.)  



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