Sabinet is a long established and reliable information facilitator which unlocks the wealth of journals from South Africa and other African countries. It offers the most comprehensive, searchable collection of full-text African electronic journals available on one platform:


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Example of Journals that are available:

Here is an example of some of some Public Administration & Governance 

journal titles to which our library is subscribed:


Administratio Publica  

(The aim of this quarterly journal is to promote academic scholarship in Public Administration, Public Management, and related fields. It is as an open access, peer reviewed, accredited journal published by the Association of Southern African Schools and Departments of Public Administration and Management (ASSADPAM). Its contents includes articles, debates, research notes, review articles, and book reviews in English.)


Africa Journal of Public Sector Development and Governance   

(The journal investigates a broad spectrum of matters and issues related to governance, development, policy research and implementation, leadership and management in the public sector in Africa. The journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles, discussion papers, policy papers, interviews with eminent persons, and book reviews on major issues related to public sector development and governance in Africa.)


African Journal of Democracy and Governance  

(This peer-reviewed bilingual journal (French and English) is quarterly published under the auspices of the Institute for Democracy, Governance, Peace and Development in Africa (IDGPA), a non-profit and independent civil society organisation registered in South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary journal that publishes editorials, articles, essays, book reviews, and notes on issues related to democracy, good governance, development and peace in Africa. Its main objective is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and constitute a repository of scholarly work of high academic standards which impacts on policies and contribute to the abovementioned issues.)


African Journal of Development Studies  (Previous title: “AFFRIKA Journal of Politics, Economics and Society 

(This multidisciplinary journal is committed to the publication of constructive articles on the range of issues that affect Africa and African people world-wide. Particularly articles that focus on the interplay between African politics, economics, and societies with a view to producing knowledge for the social reinvention and development of Africa.)


African Journal of Governance and Development 

(This biannual, peer-reviewed journal aims at providing space for sharing and debating issues of social, political and economic development not only for academic consumption, but also for policy consideration.)


African Journal of Public Administration and Environmental Studies  

(This triennial, peer-reviewed periodical aims to advance both theoretical and empirical research, inform policies and practices in all areas of Public Administration and Environmental Science. The journal seeks to provide information for policy makers, administrators of public institutions, managers of the environment bodies, public administration and environment researchers, public administration and environmental planners.)


African Journal of Public Affairs (AJPA)  

(A quarterly journal issued on behalf of the African Consortium of Public Administration [in South Africa]. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, review articles, case studies, exemplar profiles, viewpoints and research results from practitioners of all grades and professions, academics and other specialists on the broad spectrum of administrative concerns regarding local, national, regional and international affairs.)


African Renaissance   

(A quarterly peer-reviewed high quality international journal published consistently since 2004. The journal aims to advance both theoretical and empirical research on themes and dynamics that inform policies and practices in different African countries.)


Africa's Public Service Delivery and Performance Review (APSDPR)    

(A peer-reviewed journal, aimed at the promotion and sharing of knowledge, skills and innovations in government and the wider Public Sector environment in South Africa and abroad. With a multi-disciplinary outlook, the journal will stimulate service delivery and scholarly debate with a view to addressing myriads of service delivery and performance challenges being faced in government. The journal aims at providing an innovative approach to Monitoring and Evaluation scholarship through independent monitoring of implementable interventions around public service delivery and its expected outcomes. It thus envisages a role towards the turning point in bridging the gaps that exist between Public Service Delivery and the envisaged “trickle down effects” on the targeted beneficiaries.)


CIGFARO Journal (Chartered Institute of Government Finance Audit and Risk Officers)  (The previous title was IMFO: Official Journal of the Institute of Municipal Finance Officers".)

(This is the official journal of the South African "Chartered Institute of Government Finance Audit and Risk Officers".)



(IMIESA is the official magazine of the Institute of Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa. Focusing on infrastructure development, maintenance, utilities management and service delivery, IMIESA reaches construction, service delivery, and industrial professionals in the infrastructure space. The magazine contains valuable information for municipal engineers, consulting and civil engineers as well as municipal managers and senior public officials involved with infrastructure development. Finance, project management, consulting engineering, information technology, benchmarking, planning, and sustainability are reported on. The many facets of municipal engineering are covered, whether from a technical, planning, constructing, managing, or partnership perspective.)


Journal of Local Government Research and Innovation (JoLGRI)    

(This peer-reviewed journal seeks to publish and foster knowledge development in educational, epistemological and practice advancements within local government that will result in alternative models practised in local government service delivery and governance.)


Journal of Management & Administration (JMA)    

(The JMA is a dynamic academic journal that is published by the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA). The philosophy of the JMA is underscored by the institution's vision, wherein, MANCOSA strives to be responsive to the evolving education and training needs of developing economies.)


Journal of Nation-building and Policy Studies (JoNPS)     

(This is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual academic and policy-oriented periodical dedicated to the study of issues of nation-building and policy processes in Africa. The journal aims to advance both theoretical and empirical research on themes and dynamics that inform policies and practices in Africa.)


Journal of Public Administration      

(This quarterly journal is issued on behalf of the South African Association of Public Administration and Management (SAAPAM). The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, review articles, case studies, exemplar profiles, viewpoints and research results from practitioners of all grades and professions, academics and other specialists on the broad spectrum of administrative concerns regarding local, provincial, national, and international affairs. 

This is a long-established journal, already launched in 2001.)


Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives (JPADA)       

(This is a flagship journal for the annual International Conference on Public Administration and Development Alternatives, which was founded in 2016. The main aim of the journal is to use Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, as a continental region from which to contribute knowledge, through interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific and professional engagements, in relevant themes to public administration, public administration theory, public policy, public finance, public human resource management, development policy, development management, development economics as well as social and cultural debates.)


New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy        

("This is a policy journal analyzing social and economic issues in South Africa. We published informed articles by experts and decision makers. These articles are accessible to the ordinary reader." Published by the Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA).)



(Published by the Department of Political Sciences and Public Administration, University of South Africa, with articles on political science, public administration, municipal government and administration, international politics and strategic studies.)


Southern African Journal of Accountability and Auditing Research          

(The official scientific research journal of the Southern African Institute of Government Auditors (SAIGA). The journal aims to advance scholarly research and debate into accountability and auditing related topics. Supports the endeavours of the Public Finance Management Academy which was founded by SAIGA to provide for amongst others high quality education in topics related to public finance management, and accountability.)


Southern African Public Law (SAPL)          

(SAPL aims to provide academics and intellectuals from Southern Africa and Africa in general a forum for discursive deliberation and debate on matters relating to public law. The journal welcomes contributions dealing with topics in constitutional and administrative law, legal philosophy, legal and constitutional theory, law and government law and closely related fields.)


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                                 (e.g. it has the "Sabinet African Journals User Guide" that you can download).