Open Access e-Books

(See also: Ethics; Management) 

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Cultivating Your Leadership Capabilities


Publisher: University of New Hampshire

Year of publication: ? [no date given]

Table of contents:

1. Defining Leadership: Leadership styles

2. Leadership vs. Management

3. Emotional Intelligence

4. Power and Influence

5. Developing Leadership Skills

6. Katz Three Skills

7. Trait, contingency, behavioral, and full-range theories

8. Path Goal Theory and Outstanding Leadership Theory

9. A Leader's Vision

10. Situational Leadership

11. Diversity and Inclusion

12. Leadership and Followers: Hersey and Blanchard

13. Ethical Leadership

14. Leaderful Women

15. Inclusive Leadership and Potential Barriers

16. Vulnerability in Leadership

Open Education References

Material references, APA


Drink, Swear, Steal, and Lie 

: Leadership in Four Easy Steps 


Publisher: [Alfred State College]

Year of publication: 2018 

                              or   https://milnepublishing.geneseo.edu/drinkswearstealandlieleadershipinfoureasysteps/ 

Drink, Swear, Steal, and Lie: Leadership in Four Easy Steps by Mark Whitman is based on a near forty year career of a Police Chief. This is not a how-to text on becoming a leader (albeit there are encounters with leadership characteristics and styles), but rather an inspiring essential on why one should become a leader. This text was primarily written to satisfy a Leadership course in Criminal Justice Programs. However, it will meet the needs of most leadership/management courses introduced in other curriculums. This text examines maintenance as a key factor for leaders, creating environments conducive to well-ordered organizations, being a risk taker/change agent and empowering others to do the same, and coaching. 

Contents page:


Education leadership

: Scoping, perspectives and future trajectory 

Publisher: AOSIS

Year of publication: 2022

Leadership in education has been demonstrated to make a measurable and significant impact on the success of schools and the achievement levels of learners. This book displays the scope and range of the emerging field of the scholarship of education leadership by means of chapters zooming in on various areas of research in the field. 

The ensuing chapters focus on various areas in the field of Education Leadership scholarship [see below]. All the chapters employ a variety of research methods. The research reported on in each of the chapters does not only give clear indications as to how and where to improve practice but also opens vistas for new and future research, suggesting to scholars in the field promising ways to take the field forward with research critical to the continual advance and relevance of the field.

Table of Contents:



: Advancing Great Leaders and Leadership 

Publisher: IntechOpen

Year of publication: 2023

The role of a leader has changed drastically since scholars began theorizing about the modern leader. Contemporary society has and is continuing to evolve. Existing leadership theories need to adapt to be relevant to the expectations of leaders now. That is, new leadership theories emerge in their place. This book presents new ideas in leadership in the 21st-century context as well as new models that explain how individuals enact good leadership. This book serves as an opportunity to critique or defend current understandings of leadership and propose new evidence-based and theory-driven insights into leadership. Leadership is understood as more complex than an individual influencing another. Within the broad domains of leadership, there are leaders, followers, leadership processes, followership processes, teams, dyads, relationships, and context. Each of these is critical in defining what it is to be a good leader in increasingly complex professional and personal environments. This book will encourage authors to make compelling arguments not for how leadership is and has been but rather for how good leadership should be.

Table of Contents:

     : Leadership Roles Do Not Exist – The Case of Leaders and Managers

    : A Multi-Case Study

     : Constraints and Possibilities in Leadership Practices

     : A Review and Future Research Directions

     Describing the Development of Leader-Follower Relationship Quality

      : A Qualitative, Longitudinal Study

      : A Qualitative Study Focusing on Gender Inequalities in Corporate South Africa

       : The Concept of Mindful Leadership

        : The Case of Food Processing Enterprises in Vietnam

        : Supporting Employees’ Performance, Creativity, Involvement in Decision-Making and Outcomes

       : Creativity in the Work Environment – Reflections on the Role of Management for Creative Individuals Work


Leadership and Ethical Responsibility

: The three aspects of every decision


Publisher: Culture and Science Publishing

Year of publication: 2013

Executives have to continually make responsible decisions. However, Christians who are executives often do not know how to build a bridge between their underlying values and the continual requirements of everyday working life. The author sees a main problem in the way that within Christianity the three sides of ethical decisions have been played off against each other. However, one finds in the Bible that commandments, wisdom, and the heart all belong inseparably together. Therefore, norms, the particular situation, and existential concern all have to be considered in order to make mature decisions. 


Leading Cities

: A Global Review of City Leadership 

Publisher: UCL Press

Year of publication: 2019

Leading Cities is a global review of the state of city leadership and urban governance today. Drawing on research into 202 cities in 100 countries, the book provides a broad, international evidence base grounded in the experiences of all types of cities. It offers a scholarly but also practical assessment of how cities are led, what challenges their leaders face, and the ways in which this leadership is increasingly connected to global affairs.

Arguing that effective leadership is not just something created by an individual, Elizabeth Rapoport, Michele Acuto and Leonora Grcheva focus on three elements of city leadership: leaders, the structures and institutions that underpin them, and the tools used to drive change. Each of these elements are examined in turn, as are the major urban policy issues that leaders confront today on the ground. The book also takes a deep dive into one particular example of tool or instrument of city leadership – the strategic urban plan.

Leading Cities provides a much-needed overview and introduction to the theory and practice of city leadership, and a starting point for future research on, and evaluation of, city leadership and its practice around the world.

Table of Contents:

1 – Introduction – a time for city leadership

2 – Exploring city leadership: catalysts of action

3 – The shape of leadership: actors and structures

4 – Setting priorities: leadership between global and local

5 – Setting directions: leadership and strategic urban plans

6 – Conclusions – a search for better city leadership

About the authors:

Elizabeth Rapoport is an urban planner and researcher with over 15 years of experience working on planning, policy and governance issues internationally. Currently she is the Research Director for the Urban Land Institute, Europe.

Michele Acuto is Professor of Global Urban Politics and Director of the Connected Cities Lab in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. 

Leonora Grcheva is a community engagement and participation expert with UK company Soundings, leading public consultation on large scale planning projects. She has previously worked for the UN-Habitat Urban Planning Design Lab in Nairobi.


 Leading in a VUCA World

: Integrating Leadership, Discernment and Spirituality


Publisher: Springer, Cham

Year of publication: 2019 

This open access book brings together works by specialists from different disciplines and continents to reflect on the nexus between leadership, spirituality and discernment, particularly with regard to a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). The book spells out, first of all, what our VUCA world entails, and how it affects businesses, organizations, and societies as a whole. Secondly, the book develops new perspectives on the processes of leadership, spirituality, and discernment, particularly in this VUCA context. These perspectives are interdisciplinary in nature, and are informed by e.g. management studies, leadership theory, philosophy, and theology. 


 Rethinking Leadership

 (Authors: Kurt April, Robert Macdonald &  Sylvia Vriesendorp)


Publisher: UCT Press

Year of publication: 2013 

In the twenty-first century, leaders are having to speak a new language, create fluid organic structures, and recognise organisations as systems with self-renewing capacity.

Rethinking leadership explores what real leadership means, encouraging the reader to look within – examine assumptions and make explicit the trusted mental models, seek out reflective space and embark on the journey of authentic self-expression.

The reader is encouraged to ask such questions as; “What do these issues, these challenges, mean for me and the organisation?” “What action should we take to turn these challenges into limitless possibilities?”

Topics covered in Rethinking leadership include:


 Steward Leadership

   : A Maturational perspective

(Authors: Kurt April, Julia Kukard &  Kai Peters)

Publisher: UCT Press

Year of publication: 2013 

Steward Leadership is a form of leadership which focuses on others, the community and society at large, rather than the self. Many senior leaders and executives across the globe appear to move into a steward leadership mindset when their careers have matured, or when they are in the second half of their life- or career cycles, whereas executives of around 30 years old are typically focused on their personal self-interests.

The authors of Steward leadership: A maturational perspective, who teach MBA and executive courses around the world, conducted research into the aspects of steward leadership to see if they could develop the tools to mould steward leaders at an earlier age. Working with MBA students, they tested nine stewardship attributes: personal vision, personal mastery, vulnerability and maturity, risk-taking and experimentation, mentoring, raising awareness, shared vision, valuing diversity and delivering results. The authors also interviewed industry leaders internationally to gain qualitative insights into the concept of steward leadership.

The result is a practical framework for steward leadership which provides the theoretical and consulting tools with which organisations can develop stewards, whether through training programmes, mentoring programmes, coaching initiatives and/or personal development practices. The authors present steward leadership as a more viable alternative to current leadership concepts, providing a roadmap by which current and potential leaders can be guided into developing their leadership abilities – and become the mature stewards of the future.

Contents page:



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