Ethics, Values, Purpose

 Open Access e-Books

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The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership

: To Lead Our Organizations in a Conscientious and Authentic Manner 


Publisher: AU Press

Year of publication: 2011

Performance at all costs, productivity without regard to consequences, and a competitive work environment: these are the ethical factors discussed in The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership, which highlights issues in workplace culture while looking into a brighter future for labour ethics. Langlois maintains that an enhanced awareness of the process of ethical decision making in difficult situations will lead to the establishment of practices that encourage productive relationships between co-workers. Will the twenty-first century be marked as an era leading to a healthier work environment? The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership aims to serve those in human resource management and those concerned with practical work ethic.


Table of contents:

Foreword by Robert J. Starratt

Preface and Acknowledgements



Chapter 1. Modernity

An Instrumental Rationality

Paradigm Shift: Towards Postmodernity

In Search of an Authentic Rationality

Ethical Demands


Chapter 2. Ehical Leadership: The Anglo-Saxon Understanding

The Concept of Ethics

Ethical Leadership

Nurturing New Social Relationships

The Concept of Human Nature

Decision Making in the Exercise of Leadership

Models of Ethical Decision Making


Chapter 3. The TERA Model: Towards an Ethical, Authentic, and Responsible Trajectory

Three Fundamental Ethics: Critique, Justice, and Care

The TERA Process: Knowledge-Volition-Action

A Challenging but Necessary Interdependence

A Rising Level of Confidence

Towards Responsible Leadership

An Ethical Culture



Appendix: A Guide to Developing a Multidimensional Ethical Conscience

List of References

Business Ethics


Publisher: OpenStax

Year of publication: 2018 (web version is more recent than this)

Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.

Summarised Contents Page:


Chapter 1 Why Ethics Matter

Chapter 2 Ethics from Antiquity to the Present

Chapter 3 Defining and Prioritizing Stakeholders

Chapter 4 Three Special Stakeholders: Society, the Environment, and Government

Chapter 5 The Impact of Culture and Time on Business Ethics

Chapter 6 What Employers Owe Employees

Chapter 7 What Employees Owe Employers

Chapter 8 Recognizing and Respecting the Rights of All

Chapter 9 Professions under the Microscope

Chapter 10 Changing Work Environments and Future Trends

Chapter 11 Epilogue: Why Ethics Still Matter

Appendix A The Lives of Ethical Philosophers

Appendix B Profiles in Business Ethics: Contemporary Thought Leaders

Appendix C A Succinct Theory of Business Ethics

Answer Key


Developing Organizational and Managerial Wisdom


Publisher: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Year of publication: 2020 (2nd edition)

This book presents novel research results in the dynamics of values, rationality, and power in organizations. Through this understanding, readers will gain insights and frameworks to understand others' actions within their environment. Armed with the knowledge of how values, rationality, and power influence people's actions, readers will gain tools they can use to navigate the complexity of organizations to foster wise action.

Summary of Contents page:


Other Books by Brad C. Anderson

Educators Interested in Teaching Organizational & Managerial Wisdom

I. Chapter 1: An introduction to wisdom

II. Chapter 2: Organizational and managerial wisdom

III. Chapter 3: Critical realism -- A framework to understand organizations

IV. Chapter 4: Values

V. Chapter 5: Rationality

VI. Chapter 6: Power

VII. Chapter 7: Values and power

VIII. Chapter 8: Rationality and power

IX. Chapter 9: Values, rationality, and power -- Personal considerations

X. Chapter 10: Values, rationality, and power -- Organizational considerations

XI. Chapter 11: Tools to develop your wisdom

XII. Chapter 12: Finding the courage to act

XIII. Appendix 1: The Seniors Program

Further Reading

About the Author 

Ethics reporting handbook

: Guidelines for ethics officers and internal auditors


Publisher: Ethics Institute of South Africa (EthicsSA)

Year of publication: 2014

The field of ethics management grew dramatically over the last two decades in South Africa. ... One of the areas that matured significantly is ethics reporting. As ethics management is becoming more sophisticated, a greater need for more relevant and accurate reporting on the ethics performance of organisations has emerged. The Ethics Reporting Handbook is a direct response to this demand for more guidance on what needs to be reported in the process of governing and managing the ethics performance of organisations.

The Ethics Reporting Handbook is the second in the EthicsSA Handbook series. The first publication in this series was the Social & Ethics Committee Handbook. The purpose of the Handbook Series is to provide practitioners with a practical guide and reference work that can assist them in improving the ethics performance of their organisations.

EthicsSA partnered with the Institute of Internal Auditors of South Africa (IIA SA) to produce the Ethics Reporting Handbook. The field of ethics management is a multidisciplinary field in which boards of directors, board committees, ethics officers, internal auditors, external auditors, and others play an important role. 

The Gift of Life

: Towards an ethic of flourishing personhood 


Publisher: AOSIS 

Year of publication: 2021

The concept ‘human life’ and what it entails have become a prominent idea in current theological-ethical discourses, especially in the growing Christian reflection on bioethics, eco-ethics, and social justice. Contemporary Christian ethicists focus on concepts such as ‘flourishing life’, ‘happiness’ and ‘joy’, and the means in which these deep human desires can be realised and fulfilled in life today amidst perennial surges of racism, xenophobia, sexism, systemic violence and policies and structures which further poverty and other forms of social injustices. Christian soteriology, and subsequent moral agency, grapples with the question: How can humans flourish in societies today and how should Christian morality be defined and designed to be instrumental in the current pursuit of happiness, joy and hope? This publication aims to participate in this modern-day discourse by proposing relevant theological perspectives on the concept of life and, in particular, its relevance for Christians living in this age and in an environment that poses major challenges to public morality and the common good. In conjunction with the emerging theological interest in the concept of life, this project is a modest attempt to take part in the advancement of an ethic of life for today, under the rubric of an ethic of flourishing personhood. The point of departure is the biblical concept of the gift of life and what this gift entails for the understanding human life, personhood and moral agency today. The line of reasoning in this book delineates the broad concept ethic of life and the biblical concept gift of life, and draws the line towards an ethic of flourishing personhood. The central theoretical argument of the study is that reformed theology can give direction to the contemporary theological search for meaning and purpose of human life and offer answers to the questions on life facing humanity today, especially by pursuing the idea of flourishing personhood. 

Good Corporation, Bad Corporation

: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Economy


Publisher: Open SUNY

Year of publication: 2016


This textbook provides an innovative, internationally oriented approach to the teaching of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics. 

Drawing on case studies involving companies and countries around the world, the textbook explores the social, ethical, and business dynamics underlying CSR in such areas as global warming, genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food production, free trade and fair trade, anti-sweatshop and living-wage movements, organic foods and textiles, ethical marketing practices and codes, corporate speech and lobbying, and social enterprise. The book is designed to encourage students and instructors to challenge their own assumptions and prejudices by stimulating a class debate based on each case study.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Corporations and their Social Responsibility

Chapter 2 Debating CSR: Methods and Strategies

Chapter 3 Global Warming

Chapter 4 Genetically Modified Organisms

Chapter 5 Social Entrepreneurship

Chapter 6 Marketing Ethics: Selling Controversial Products

Chapter 7 Organic Food: Healthy Alternative or Marketing Ploy?

Chapter 8 Fair Trade

Chapter 9 CSR and Sweatshops

Chapter 10 Corruption in International Business

Chapter 11 Corporations and Politics: Citizens United

Chapter 12 Animal Rights and CSR

Public Policy

: Why ethics matters


Publisher: ANU Press

Year of publication: 2010

This book brings together original contributions from leading scholars and practitioners with expertise in various academic disciplines, including economics, philosophy, physics, political science, public policy and theology. The volume addresses three main issues: fist, the ethical considerations that should inform the conduct of public officials and the task of policy analysis; second, the ethics of climate change; and third, ethics and economic policy. While the contributors have varying views on these important issues, they share a common conviction that the ethical dimensions of public policy need to be better understood and given proper attention in the policy-making process. 

Contents page:

1. Ethics and public policy 

Part I: Ethical foundations of public policy

2. Justice, humanity, and prudence 

3. Doing ethical policy analysis 

4. The public servant as analyst, adviser, and advocate 

5. Be careful what you wish for 

Part II: Ethics of climate change

6. The most important thing about climate change 

7. Recognising ethics to help a constructive climate change debate 

8. Sharing the responsibility of dealing with climate change: Interpreting the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities 

9. Virtue and the commons 

Part III: Perspectives on ethics and the economy

10. Tackling economic inequality 

11. Is ethics important for economic growth? 

12. Regulation of financial markets: Panics, moral hazard, and the long-term good 

13. An alternative reply to the free-rider objection against unconditional citizenship grants 



Purpose-driven Organizations

: Management Ideas for a Better World


Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Year of publication: 2019

A higher purpose is not simply about profit. Symbolising the motivations of our actions and efforts, it reflects something much more aspirational and contributes to our global society.

This open access book offers novel solutions to ensure employees support a wider organizational meaning whilst guaranteeing that the company benefits from the employee’s individual sense of purpose. Advocating a shift from previous models and theories, this book contributes to debate and offers insight for both scholars and practitioners. The chapters bring together academic rigour and practical models to help readers distinguish between the fads and influential strategies.

Exploring the development of purpose at each level of business, from strategy and leadership to communication, this book avoids theoretical jargon and provides new approaches to building sustainable purpose-driven organizations. 

Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics


Publisher: Routledge

Year of publication: 2018

The Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics provides readers with insight into the central questions of development ethics, the main approaches to answering them, and areas for future research. Over the past seventy years, it has been argued and increasingly accepted that worthwhile development cannot be reduced to economic growth. Rather, a number of other goals must be realised: 

Agreement that these are essential goals has also been accompanied by disagreements about how to conceptualize or apply them in different cases or contexts. Using these seven goals as an organizing principle, this handbook presents different approaches to achieving each one, drawing on academic literature, policy documents and practitioner experience. 

This international and multi-disciplinary handbook will be of great interest to development policy makers and program workers, students and scholars in development studies, public policy, international studies, applied ethics and other related disciplines.

Contents page:

Part I - Contexts

Part II- Well-being

Part III - Social and global justice

Part IV- Empowerment and agency

Part V - Environmental sustainability

Part VI - Human rights

Part VII - Cultural freedom

Part VIII - Responsibility

Part IX - Regional perspectives



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