Papers at conferences


Iconicidad y doble articulación: Dos proyectos infructuosos de la semiótica respecto al arte. At: La Interdisciplinariedad en el Discurso Artístico: ¿Realidad o Utopía? Oviedo: University of Oviedo.


Semiótica del sufrimiento: La fotografía de Salgado entre el analogon y la manipulación. At: El Discurso Artístico entre Oriente y Occidente: Semejanzas y Contrastes. Oviedo: University of Oviedo.

Pragmática del malentendido. At: XV Congreso de AESLA.  Zaragoza (Spain).

Indirectness in conversation: The theory of sub-continua. At: XXI International AEDEAN Conference. Seville.

The Catcher in the Rye o El guardián entre el centeno: Opting for literariness. At: First International Conference on English Studies, Almería (Spain).

Available here / Disponible aquí


Ciberpragmática. Entre la compensación y el desconcierto. At: Segundo Congreso de la Lengua Española, Valladolid (Spain).

Available here / Disponible aquí


El papel del contexto en la comunicación por Internet. At:  Jornades de Foment de la Investigació, Universitat Jaume I, Valencia (Spain).

Available here / Disponible aquí

The linguistic-cognitive essence of virtual community. At: First International Conference on Internet and Language. Castellon: Universitat Jaume I.

Conceptos ad hoc en el procesamiento de la metáfora. El caso de las viñetas humorísticas en la prensa. At: Jornadas sobre Texto/Imagen. Ciudad Real: University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain).


Ad hoc concepts and visual metaphor? Towards relevant ad hoc pointers. At: 9th International Pragmatics Conference. Riva del Garda (Italy).


Saturación contextual en la comprensión de la ironía. At: VIII Jornadas de Estudios de Lingüística. Análisis del Discurso. Alicante: University of Alicante.

Mesa redonda: ¿Qué es la ironía?: Un punto de encuentro entre varios enfoques. At: VIII Jornadas de Estudios de Lingüística. Análisis del Discurso. Alicante: University of Alicante.


Estrategias interpretativas en los ciber-medios. At: VIII Ciclo de Conferencias "Adquisición y uso de segundas lenguas" (Nuevas tecnologías en la enseñanza/aprendizaje de segundas lenguas). Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain).


Estrategias lingüísticas de los hablantes en la Red. At: Lenguas y Culturas Hispánicas en Internet. Madrid, Residencia de Estudiantes, December.

Available here / Disponible aquí


Estrategias y efectos en el discurso humorístico. At: II Jornadas de Lingüística y Cognición. Cádiz: University of Cádiz.


Ciberpragmática. Ciberpragmática 2.0. Ciberpragmática 3.0. At: Interdisciplinarity, Languages and ICT. Valencia (Spain).

Towards an intercultural pragmatic taxonomy of insults (with José Mateo) At: 4th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics. Madrid.

Handout available here / Handout disponible aquí

Nuevas formas de interacción en Internet: Los sitios de redes sociales y los mundos virtuales tridimensionales. At: II Jornadas sobre Lengua y Tecnología. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain).

Relevance, humour and translation. At: 5th Conference Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation. Kazimierz Dolny (Polonia).

La lengua y el humor. In: Hablemos del Humor, University of Alicante, Sede Universitaria.

La relevancia como motor de comunicación en Internet. At: Semiótica 3.0. Conocimiento, Contemporaneidad, Comunicación. Bogotá (Colombia).


 Interactions with readers through online specialised genres:Specificity or adaptability? At: 12th International Pragmatics Conference. Manchester (England).

Available here / Disponible aquí

A pragmatic analysis of jokes. In: Seminario Meaning in Interaction. Sevilla: University of Seville.

En qué difieren los géneros electrónicos de los analógicos. En el Congreso Leer y Escribir en Español en la Red. Aprendizaje, Renovación y Propuestas. University of Comillas, Cantabria (Spain).


Relevance Theory and contextual sources-centred analysis of irony. Current research and compatibility. At: EPICS V. Plablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain).

Handout available here / Handout disponible aquí

Putting relevance at centre stage in all research on human activity on the Internet. At: 6th International Conference “Interpreting for Relevance.” Warsaw (Poland).

Available here / Disponible aquí

Identidades físicas e identidades en línea: Atracciones, desencuentros y solapamientos. At: Identitats Perverses, Identitats en Conflicte. Lléida (Spain).


Una aproximación discursiva a las identidades en línea. At: Language and Identity in the Spanish-Speaking World (6th International Conference of Hispanic Linguistics and 4th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society). Birkbeck, University of London.

Available here / Disponible aquí

Cognición, relevancia y nuevas narrativas digitales. At: AISPI 2013. Le forme del narrare: nel tempo e tra i generi. Pisa: University of Pisa, November.

Available here / Disponible aquí


Turismo móvil: Discurso, interactividad y usabilidad en las ‘apps’ de turismo. At: Discurso y Géneros del Turismo 2.0. Valencia: University of Valencia and IULMA, April.

English version available here.

La seducción de lo no codificado. At: Intermedialidad en la lengua y la literatura hispánicas. Coloquio Internacional. Université de Lausanne.

17-18 October 2014 / 17-18 de octubre de 2014.

¿Puede la pragmática cognitiva abordar toda la pragmática? At: II Workshop Internacional de Pragmática. Universidade Nacional de Paraná (Brazil), November. In this Workshop I will also delivered a Course on cyberpragmatics and I participated in a round table on the translation of humour.


La participación activa del lector de cómic. Opening lecture at the Course Còmic com a Element Didàctic III. University of Alicante, February.

Contextual sources, mutually manifest assumptions and epistemic vigilance in ironic communication. At the 14th International Pragmatics Conference. Antwerp (Belgium, July).

Handout available here / Handout disponible aquí

Powerpoint presentation available here / Presentación de Powerpoint disponible aquí

Should relevance theory analyse what is non-propositional, non-intentional but yet affects the eventual relevance? At Relevance Round Table Meeting 4. Institute of English Studies, Jagiellonian University of Kraków, September.

Powerpoint presentation available here

Handout, page 1, available here

Handout, page 2, available here

Handout, page 3, available here

Handout, page 4, available here

The discursive management of the phatic Internet (and how to explain it pragmatically). At: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis (ADDA) Conference. Valencia (Spain).

Handout page 1-2 available here.

Handout page 3 available here.

Handout page 4 available here.

Handout page 5-8 available here.

Handout page 9-10 available here.

Broadening the (propositional) scope of pragmatics in order to address the (non-propositional) quality of humorous effects. At: I Workshop on Advanced Studies of Humor and Gender (WASHUM). Alicante (Spain): University of Alicante, November.


Incongruity-resolution and the explicit-implicated-implied interface. At: Linguistic Approaches to Funniness, Amusement and Laughter. 4th International Symposium: Theoretical Issues in Humour, Building Bridges across Disciplines. University of Lodz (Poland), March.

Online identity: A (non)propositional account. At EPICS VII. Pablo de Olavide University, May.

Powerpoint presentation available here.

Handout page 1 available here.

Handout page 2 available here.

Handout page 3-6 available here.

Handout page 7-8 available here.

The phatic Internet. Networked feelings and emotions across the propositional-non-propositional and the intentional-unintentional board. Paper delivered at International Conference on Language and Emotion. Madrid, November.

The video recording of my presentation is available here.

Powerpoint presentation available here.

Handout, page 1 available here.

Handout, page 2 available here.

Handout, page 3-4 available here.

Handout, page 5-6 available here.

Handout, page 7-8 available here.

The video recording of my presentation is available here.


A cognitive pragmatics approach to humorous communication. Paper delivered at the 7th Humor Research Conference. Texas A&M University Commerce. Dallas (USA).

The pragmatic story of a stand-up story. Paper delivered at the 2nd Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature: Humorousness/Seriousness Dichotomy in Language, Culture and Literature. Siedlce (Poland), April.

Humour and user's identity. The case of Internet memes. Paper delivered at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference. Belfast, July.

A review of today's IULMA and its ESP research. Paper delivered at ESP & EAP in Spain: New Horizons. Castellón: Jaume I University, November.


Cyberpragmatics of interactions through locative media. Paper delivered at International CoCoLaC-Conference. Comparative Approaches to Pragmatics. Helsinki, March.

Are stand-up comedy monologues cultural attractors? Paper delivered at EPICS VIII. Seville: University of Seville.

The future of internet pragmatics. Paper delivered at First International Conference on Internet Pragmatics. Fuzhou (China), September.

Paradojas de la comunicación por Internet. Paper delivered at En torno a la comunicación digital: Educación, discurso y traducción. Buenos Aires: University of Belgrano.


Identity online: A multi-disciplinary pragmatic account. Paper delivered at the 7th Liberal Arts International Conference (Liberal Arts in the Global Age: Changing Winds and Shifting Sands). Texas A.M. in Doha (Qatar), March.

Emoji: A full cyberpragmatic approach. Plenary lecture delivered at the 16th China Pragmatics Conference. Nanchang (China).

Powerpoint presentation available here / Presentación de Powerpoint disponible aquí

Pragmática del emoji: Dentro, fuera y más allá. Plenary lecture delivered at III Jornadas "En torno a la comunicación digital: Interacción, turismo y discurso político. Universidad de Valladolid, Segovia.

Incongruity-resolution patterns in meme communication. Paper delivered at International Conference on Verbal Humor. Alicante.


Live streaming on Twitch: More pragmatics than meets the eye. Paper delivered at the 9th International Symposium On Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (“Communication in the 21st Century: Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics”). Powerpoint presentation available here / Presentación de powerpoint disponible aquí

Disambiguation should not exist (but it does in humour). Paper delivered at the 9th International Symposium On Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (“Communication in the 21st Century: Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics”).
Powerpoint presentation available here / Presentación de powerpoint disponible aquí
Joke corpus arranged in categories available here / corpus de chistes organizado por categorías disponible aquí


Ciberpragmática. Paper delivered at VII Jornadas de ELE UCM. Medios de comunicación y redes sociales en la enseñanza de ELE. Madrid: Complutense University.

Humorous effects from Covid-19 memes. The role of multimodal combinations (with C. Maíz-Arévalo). Paper delivered at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference. Winterthur. Powerpoint presentation available here

'Laughing together, coping together': The role of humorous memes in the Covid-19 crisis (with C. Maíz-Arévalo). Paper delivered at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference. Winterthur.

The importance of place in digital communication (with A. Parini). Paper delivered at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference. Winterthur.

The specificity of interactive humor on messaging applications. The case of WhatsApp conversations. Paper delivered at the II International Workshop on Advanced Studies of Humor and Gender. University of Alicante.


Diseccionar el humor en la mensajería instantánea. El caso de WhatsApp. Paper delivered at AESLA 39. Las Palmas, Spain. Available here:

La traducibilidad del chiste: Una propuesta pragmática. Paper delivered at Jornada de Traducción Técnico-Científica AATI-UB 2022. Buenos aires.

Managing irony online: The role of context accessibility. Paper delivered at EPICS X. Seville: Pablo de Olavide university. Available here:

Pushing cognitive pragmatics beyond its comfort zone: Smartphone-mediated communication of feelings and emotions." Lecture delivered at ESTIDIA Conference. Alicante: University of Alicante. Available here / disponible aquí

Messaging humour across the West and East. A pragmatics of humorous interactions on WhatsApp and WeChat. Lecture delivered at the 7th Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Structure, Use, and Meaning: Language and Dialogue from an Intercultural Perspective. Braşov (Romania): University of Transilvania.

Designing jokes for successful humorous effects. Lecture delivered at the V Discourse Analysis Seminar: Verbal Humour. University of Valencia, Spain.

La comunicación más allá del texto en WhatsApp: Alteraciones y compensaciones. Lecture delivered at La comunicación pública en los siglos XIX, XX y XXI: De los albores del peridosmo al discurso digital de masas. Málaga: University of Málaga.


El modelo humorístico de círculos que se cruzan: Aplicabilidad y posibles ajustes tras 10 años. Paper delivered at II Simposio Internacional sobre el Humor Verbal: El Humor Interactivo. Seville: University of Seville.

El humor en tiempos de duelo (with P. Bou). Paper delivered at the 40th International AESLA Conference. Mérida (Spain).

Why is internet communication so challenging for pragmatics? Lecture delivered at the 2nd international Conference on Digital Linguistics. Alicante: University of Alicante.

What is really at stake when we talk about “a pragmatics of emoji"? Paper delivered at the 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels.

What is the visual referent of an emoji? Beyond default referents and into context-dependent "ad hoc" referents. Paper delivered at Approches to Digital Discourse Analysis 4 (ADDA4). Klagenfurt, Austria.

Publicidad efectiva en el teléfono inteligente: combinar esfuerzo y beneficio para el usuario. Lecture delivered at Inteligencia artificial, discurso digital y lenguaje, organised by Instituto de Investigaciones de Lingüística Aplicada de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Perú.


Emojis as a tool to show users’ engagement towards promotional content on social media (with F. Suau-Jiménez). Paper delivered at 41st AESLA Conference. Valencia: Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Powerpoint available here (ResearchGate) / Powerpoint disponible aquí (ResearchGate)

Engaging users through corporate social media humour: A pragmatic account of Burger King and KFC strategies underlying the memes published on the site X (with Thomas Messerli). Paper delivered at EPICS XI. Seville: Pablo de Olavide University.